AIGO. Smarter system, smarter business. AIGO is one of the leading system integrators in Serbia that recognizes the needs of the IT market and provides reliable, customized and comprehensive support. [read more]
Turn-key solutions for photovoltaic power plants. . [read more]
DRV is a creative full-service agency, with deep roots in digital. We are on a mission to create ideas that challenge brands, people and culture. #WeChallenge. [read more]
Aleksić & Associates is a distinguished, full-service corporate law firm. We are a team of experienced and dedicated professionals. With a long tradition, our reputation, proactive and.. [read more]
Aquantis is an IT outsourcing consultancy based in Belgrade, Serbia, with UK owners & management. We advise organisations on opportunities for outsourcing in Serbia, predominantly in the area.. [read more]
Online marketplace for sharing agricultural equipment between farmers - renting machinery and hiring services. [read more]
The Association for the Promotion of Serbian Foods is an industry association established in 2018 for the purpose of creating opportunities for quality Serbian specialty food producers to.. [read more]
ALTI d. o. o. is a company, located at 38 Булевар Ослободилаца Чачка, Čačak 32102. They can be contacted via phone at +381 32340140 for more detailed information. [read more]
Agile Consulting is offering services for agile implementation including training in agile, agile coaching and technical practices. We believe in Agile Manifesto, supporting all values and principles. [read more]
Artist Sistems D. O. O. is a company, located at 153 Улица Максима Горког, Belgrade 11050. They can be contacted via phone at +38674901155 for more detailed information. [read more]
Andrea Solutions is a software development company that specializes in developing CRM for Fitness and Wellness centers. Our biggest success is cloud based application named Andrea360. [read more]
AD Mlekara is a company, located at Subotica, Vojvodina. [read more]
Auris Audio is a team of audio engineers with great professional experience in designing audio amplifiers. With the utmost care and devotion our team approaches to each project and invests.. [read more]
AUTVIEW is a software development company with the development office located in Niš, Serbia. Highly experienced in web programming solutions using advanced web technologies, we have been.. [read more]
Naša misija je da obezbedimo mesto za sve one ljude koji su voljni da razmenjuju znanje, ljubav i strast prema automobilima i automobilizmu u opšte. Želimo da olakšamo put pravim.. [read more]
Alta Vista - Licencirani starački dom na Banovom brdu i na Bežanijskoj kosi za smeštaj i negu starih lica i lica sa specijalnim potrebama. . [read more]
Agni is a family owned business engaged in business trainings, consulting, data analysis and preparation of business reports. Areas of work are Power BI, Excel and Excel BI (Power Pivot, Power.. [read more]
Established at the beginning of 2011 Aracon IP provides general consulting including full scope of intellectual property services, such as registrations, enforcement, anti-counterfeiting,.. [read more]
We are a Novi Sad, Serbia-based multi-disciplinary creative studio specializing in graphic design, visual identity, marketing communications and production, providing results-driven solutions to.. [read more]
Alu Plast Engineering je kompanija sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom opremanja vašeg doma i poslovnog prostora. Odlikuju nas kvalitet, brzi rokovi isporuke i garancija. [read more]
ART KOMUNA јe asocijacija osnovana od strane grupe umetnika, istoričara umetnosti, menadžera u kulturi sa ciljem prezentovanja vodećih inovativnih umetničkih projekata te kao pomoć.. [read more]
Atlas is the first Serbian private hospital focused on surgical services provided by best experts. The General Hospital Atlas was founded in 2006, after the expansion of Komnenus, a former.. [read more]
Our maketing agency provides online media service through reasearch and consulting on digital strategies with a focus on how companies can leverage social and emerging technologies. [read more]
Aliquantum doo is a fast-growing business focused on providing exceptional services in architectural design and civil engineering. Our harmonious team has more than ten years of remarkable.. [read more]
www. advertout. com. [read more]
Mi pravimo Anđele! Anđeli su preukusni ovseni kolači sa čokoladom i suvim voćem. Ima ih u 10 ukusa i ne zna se koji je bolji! Mesimo ih sa ljubavlju, uz muziku, od najkvalitetnijih.. [read more]
Javnu informaciono-komunikacionu ustanovu "Akademska mreža Republike Srbije - AMRES" je osnovala Vlada Republike Srbije radi izgradnje, razvoja i upravljanja obrazovnom i.. [read more]
Apoteke Laurus uspešno posluju već više od 22 godine na teritoriji Beograda i Novog Sada pružajući svojim klijentima profesionalnu uslugu i veliki izbor lekova, suplemenata i drugih proizvoda. [read more]
Agava is one of the best employment agencies in the former country of Yugoslavia, which mediates in employment in the country and abroad for all profiles of workers from these areas, and.. [read more]
Aurora Travel is a serbian travel agency, with office branches located at your service in Novi Sad and Belgrade. Our wast experience in inbound and outbound tours extends up to many years.. [read more]
Autopijaca. com a unique market place for online sale of used vehicles. From the very beginning designed as a regional leader and secure internet broker for Balkan countries. [read more]
AGROmedia d. o. o. je produkcijska i medijska kuća, osnovana 2007. u Beogradu, specijalizovana za kreiranje i promociju sadržaja u oblasti poljoprivrede. [read more]
Archidomain is an architecture design studio with headquarters in center of Belgrade, Serbia. The studio consists of dedicated and talented young people, always ready for new project challenges.. [read more]
Gasimo vatru od 1965. godine. Pre više od 45. godina osnovano je društvo za spoljnu i unutrašnju trgovinu VATROSPREM, koje danas nastavlja istu tradiciju kroz novi vizuelni identitet i.. [read more]
Adriatic Investment Management ("AIM") was founded in 2013 as a specialisedconsulting firm in real estate investments, as core business, linking international investors to thelocal market in SEE. [read more]
We are a creative hybrid studio built in an environment of diverse backgrounds, ideas, impressions, views, passions and life experiences. We are architects, programmers, designers.. [read more]