SmartResearch is a company, located at 54 Улица Вељка Дугошевића, Belgrade 11060. [read more]
Serbian Project Management Association is a professional, self-imposed, independent, non-party association of citizens. The Association organizes, promotes and helps the professional activities.. [read more]
Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
Severtrans is a company, located at Улица Филипа Кљајића, Sombor, Vojvodina 25101. [read more]
SmartInIT kursevi programiranja razvijeni su kroz dugogodišnju saradnju iskusnih profesora i asistenata sa Fakulteta tehničkih nauka i iskusnih PanonIT inženjera koji znaju potrebe privrede. [read more]
Company specialized for oral hygiene devices for home use, professional dentist equipment, teeth whitening. Projecting, engineerings and furnishing of dental practices in Serbia. [read more]
With over ten years of experience, we are a dynamic company that provides the very best in service and quality. Smart Vision Exhibition is a reliable exhibition design company and true.. [read more]
Years of experience in the field of internet marketing andmore than 1500 projects. Web design, Digital marketing, Email marketing, Social Media Marketing, Lead generation. [read more]
Firma SYNERGY Consult d. o. o. je osnovana 2006. godine s ciljem sticanja informacija u oblasti poslovanja i međunarodne trgovine na teritoriji zapadnog Balkana (Srbija, Hrvatska, Crna Gora, Bosna.. [read more]
Scrummy is an innovative food tech solution that streamlines the dining experience for both customers and restaurant owners. Our all-in-one platform allows restaurants to create digital menus,.. [read more]
Sa više od 60 godina na tržištu kuhinja iza sebe, Scavolini je jedan od najmodernijih i najvažnijih modela proizvodnje u italijanskoj industriji, a strategija brenda beleži sve veći uspeh.. [read more]
Strategy Map is a consultancy for corporate strategy and strategy implementation. We have tremendous experience in corporate strategy work and with our background in Corporate Finance we cover.. [read more]
Portal www. sveoosiguranju. rs tematski je usmeren ka najširoj publici – građanima, sa ciljem da im približi instituciju osiguranja. Ovaj portal informiše građane o mogućnostima.. [read more]
Select Company is a very important part of the transformation process of raw ingredients into prepared food products. Select Company se bavi distribucijom sirovina za pekarsku i.. [read more]
Spiridon is a company based in Belgrade, Serbia. We specialize in providing the expertise and know-how to create the perfect tubes for your needs. . [read more]
Mi smo lekari opšte prakse dr Ivana Cerovina Đurić i dr Ivan Đurić, odlučili smo da svoje dugogodišnje iskustvo u radu sa pacijentima podelimo sa Vama preko našeg sajta https://www. [read more]
Event planing agency with own video-audio production Digital videos, Corporate Movies, Motion Graphic, Event Planing, Content Marketing, Web Design, Graphic Design. [read more]
Scala team has been providing digital marketing services in the European market for various businesses across most industries. Our team is a mix of individuals from diverse backgrounds,.. [read more]
Installing sound, network and security systems (Paradox, DSC, Dahua, Samsung, Sony, WS, Ceopa, Mikrotik, Ubiquity etc. ). [read more]
Schiedel je prošao bogat razvojni put od kako je kompaniju, daleke 1946. godine u Erbachu blizu Ulma (Nemačka) osnovao Senator Friedrich Schiedel kao fabriku za proizvodnju montažnih komponenti.. [read more]
Security Information Agency is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Da li znate:l ko i gde danas u Beogradu proizvodi? l ko i gde prodaje? l ko i gde kupuje?l ko koje usluge vrši?l ko kojim sirovinama i repromaterijalom raspolaže?Verovatan odgovor je NEGrad nam.. [read more]
Studio 360 is company from Novi Sad (Serbia), a company specialized in making 360 panoramas. We have published more than 2000 business panoramas on Google Maps, and more then 1500.. [read more]
SVE ZA KRAFT PIVARE is a company, located at Kruševac 37000. [read more]
Stranger Overseas is a company, located at Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21000. [read more]
In the region of South East Europe we are detecting, developing and executing strategic brand investments in golf for major companies and brands. Strategic Brand Positioning - Competent.. [read more]
Our roots lie in a crypto exchange platform, where we honed our expertise in finding exceptional talent to drive success. We specialize in finding the perfect talents for each project,.. [read more]
One-man software developing agency, focusing mostly on developing mobile applications. . [read more]
Programske aktivnosti koje Charlie studio nudi deci i mladima osmišljene su tako da se njihovom realizacijom polaznicima omogući da na lak, brz i zanimljiv način unaprede svoja glumačka znanja.. [read more]
Based in Belgrade, Serbia, S&B Management Consulting is your trusted partner for driving business growth. Our boutique firm specializes in strategic consulting, delivering effective.. [read more]
Spojem iskustva inženjera i dinamičnog tima, pružamo vrhunski kvalitet usluga klijentima. Inovativna rešenja naših stručnjaka u oblasti projektovanja i građevinarstva obezbeđuju.. [read more]
Tehnomarket is store mobile phones and accessories for mobile phones. In addition to sales, we provide complete servicing of mobile phones. . [read more]
Sharp Consulting is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
UVEK TAMO GDE JE ZABAVA!– Rentiramo DJ opremu poslednje generacije– Za vas puštamo muziku na korporativnim eventima, venčanjima i ostalim dešavanjimahttps://www. [read more]
Savez Srba iz regiona je politička organizacija koja se zalaže da Srbi u regionu zapadnog Balkana postanu državno i nacionalno pitanje u Srbiji. Smatramo da Srbija treba sa punom pažnjom.. [read more]
SME HUB predstavlja jedinstveni poduhvat za ostvarenje značajnih promena u celokupnoj srpskoj ekonomiji jačanjem jednog od njenih osnovnih stubova – sektora malih i srednjih preduzeća,.. [read more]