Schritte Zentrum has been organizing high-quality language online courses for German as a foreign language since 2019. Our students come from different cities of Serbia. [read more]
SCOO ONE is a platform specifically designed and developed for e-scooter sharing service. We offer complete and comprehensive solutions for companies that are entering this market. [read more]
Industrial Automation and Power Engineering. [read more]
Founded in 1997 as "SZR Daca", after 10 years renamed to "S&D Textil", employing over 50 people with a tendency to expand and grow. Committed to our mission to manufacture the best work suits for.. [read more]
Организација која окупља студенте Универзитета у Београду, осн. 2015. године на Правном факултету... [read more]
Solution2Day is a company, located at 6 Улица Гаврила Принципа, Petrovaradin, Vojvodina 21208. [read more]
Startups. rs je osnovan 2021. godine kao nezavisna platforma sprskog startap ekosistema. Sama ideja i koncept nastali su pre nekoliko godina kada smo se i sami susreli sa svim problemima koje.. [read more]
SMATSA Aviation Academy and the city of Vršac have a long and reputable history of training pilots and air traffic controllers. First flight in Vršac took place on August 11th, 1912 with.. [read more]
Srednja škola '' Dr Đorđe Natošević '' osnovana je 1997. godine kao stručna škola. Osnovana je sa ciljem da obezbedi kadar za tadašnje potrebe privrede Inđije. [read more]
Godinama uspešno pomažemo preduzećima da implementiraju, održavaju i prate agilni pristup poslovanju. Verujemo da samo uz odgovarajuće znanje, prave alate i akcije preduzeća i timovi mogu.. [read more]
Professional table tennis club. . [read more]
School of Urban Practices is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
SDC PROFESSIONAL je geodetska agencija osnovana 2019. godine u Beogradu koja uspešno posluje na teritoriji cele Srbije. Agenciju čini mladi tim stručno osposobljenih profesionalaca, koji.. [read more]
Када причамо о потреби и значају постојања Савеза студената за време студија морамо се мало и вратити у прошлост, „Јер ако не знамо одакле смо кренули, како можемо знати куда идемо?". [read more]
Савез студената Универзитета у Новом Саду представља кровну организацију за мрежу Савеза.. [read more]
SPORTSKO SELO is a company, located at Deligradska, Beograd. [read more]
A smart offerSMART Rent A Car was established with the aim of setting new standards and to offer a completely new dimension of car rental business. In creating our fleet, we were guided by the.. [read more]
SmartyKids -Nbg je dečji edukativni centar, mesto za igru i psihosocijalni razvoj dece 4 – 12 godina. Primenjujući integrativni pristup u radu sa decom, stimulišemo kreativne potencijale,.. [read more]
Swiss Nature je kompanija specijalizovana za proizvodnju dijetetskih proizvoda - dijetetskih suplemenata i funkcionalne hrane koja je 2014. godine počela sa plasmanom proizvoda. [read more]
Kompanija Scaffix d. o. o. osnovana je 2018. godine. Primarna delatnost kompanije je davanje u zakup i sve prateće usluge vezane za fasadne skele. Scaffix u zakup nudi brzomontaznu fasadnu.. [read more]
A Graphic Design Studio focusing on branding and visual identity. A partnership between two friends and colegues. . [read more]
Startup Generator Agency and Online Platform (pre-Alfa State). [read more]
We are Selp Networks, your number one source for all digital requirements. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of our products, with a focus on digitizing, facilitating, generating leads.. [read more]
SINO SCANDINAVIA BUILDER ADVISOR (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED is a company, located at 216. [read more]
SIT d. o. o. is a company, located at 34 Улица Пуковника Миленка Павловића, Belgrade 11273. [read more]
✌️I help you achieve your goal, whether it is weight loss or muscle mass development📩Send a message for FREE advice@fitness_club_totalgym 🏋️. [read more]
sooper. fit is online expert in developing personalized nutrition & training plans adapted to your individual goals, specific lifestyle schedule and activity level, whether you are beginner.. [read more]
Serbian Society for Cardiovascular Surgeons was founded in December 2001. The essential purpose of this organization is to establish a close scientific and professional link between surgeons.. [read more]
Serbia DMC is a Balkan Tour Operator, providing Tours in Serbia and the Balkan Region. Serbia DMC Offers Leisure services, with focus on cultural tours for groups and FIT, with multilingual.. [read more]
Vas agent za jedrenje, Grcka, Hrvatska, Italija ili gde god pozelite. Preko 12000 brodova u bazi podataka, povoljne cene, sigurnost placanja. . [read more]
👩🏻💻 dizajn🃏 personalizovan špil karata🎁 unikatni poklon za sve prilike. [read more]
GalaD company is specialized in organic products. We proud ourselves of bringing together best clean and pollution free products to our customers. We are online store and community promoting.. [read more]
Privatno preduzeće koje se bavi izradom i projektovanjem elektro ormana. . [read more]
Smartwave is a promising enterprise startup with its new groundbreaking platform for building digital business, which enables business modernization, integration of anything, customer growth.. [read more]
Srednja stručna škola za ugostiteljstvo, turizam i ekonomiju UTE je privatna srednja škola koja obrazuje redovne i vanredne učenike iz oblasti ugstiteljstva, turizma i ekonomije. [read more]
Emisija o IT tehnologijama na RTV Belle amie Svakog utorka od 19:00 posle emisije Izmedju redova i repriza narednog dana od 11h cetvrtkom od 15h i subotom od 19:30. [read more]