Mi smo mali dizajn studio koji se bavi brendiranjem laptop računara. Tim broji troje i imamo široke opsege znanja pa smo uvek otvoreni za saradnju i na drugim poljima kao što su grafički,.. [read more]
Preduzeće LMS d. o. o. iz Požege, je osnovano 2001. godine i od tada se bavi proizvodnjom patent zatvarača za potrebe industrije tekstila, odeće, galanterije, kože i obuće. [read more]
World business and social trends, with their dynamic oscillations, represent real danger for all companies that haven't understood importance of value creation. [read more]
Luxury transport is a company from Belgrade, Serbia focused on providing shuttle van & limo rental services for more than 10 years. The main difference than most of other similar companies in.. [read more]
Liber Novus creates, plans and executes marketing and brand extension strategies for the newspaper and magazine industry in Europe. Based on readership interest, we develop collections of books.. [read more]
Libertarijanski Klub Libek je obrazovno istraživački centar posvećen negovanju ideja i vrednosti slobode i odgovornosti pojedinca. Od svog osnivanja 2008. [read more]
LUKOIL LUBRICANTS EAST EUROPE S. R. L. is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Developing internet aplications. [read more]
Engineering and design in all areas of electrical engineering and representing renowned foreign partners specialising in particular areas of electrical engineering are the main drivers behind.. [read more]
No much. . . . [read more]
Lion tech. is a company, located at Beograd. [read more]
SOG is a full-service business law firm providing our clients with highest quality legal advice across a wide range of key areas of corporate law in the Western Balkans (Bosnia &.. [read more]
Lemo Hotel 88 is a company, located at Čurug, Vojvodina. [read more]
We are an international group of talent experts. Our focus lies on the generation and pre-qualification of digital experts. Our expertise as in-house recruiters for start-ups and large.. [read more]
Grupacija La linea verde je evropski proizvođač svežih opranih salata, svežih čorbi, prirodnih sokova, sendviča i gotovih zdravih obroka. Italijanski je lider u obradi svežih proizvoda. [read more]
Lilly 021 is a Serbian software company based in the city of Novi Sad which is widely considered as an IT center of our country. Our mission is to enable business growth with smart and.. [read more]
Simple Solutions is a leading digital transformation and software development company proudly servicing progressive businesses across the globe. With a wide range of end-to-end services,.. [read more]
Lead IT d. o. o. is a computer software development company specialized in Java and PHP based technologies. Our great experience and knowledge of most other major programming language such as.. [read more]
LeadCon conference is built around the whole process of creating value, attracting potential leads, converting those leads to buyers and, in the end, using the benefits of modern.. [read more]
LEMIT DOO je firma koja već 17 godina prezentuje proizvodne programe svetski priznatih i domaćih proizvođača iz oblasti enterijera i eksterijera, sa posebnim akcentom na podne i zidne.. [read more]
We specialize in developing streetlights and charging stations by transforming their traditional characteristics into a multifunctional platform based on renewable energy and smart technology. [read more]
LibraFire is a team of passionate IT professionals committed to bringing your ideas to life! We acquire a detailed understanding of different business needs, and we don't make compromises on.. [read more]
2005. braća Nikolić, osnivači Limunda, našli su pravo ime za stranicu Limundo: Liberté (sloboda) i Mundo (svet). Ubrzo nakon toga, registrovali su kompaniju Limundo d. [read more]
La Fantana posluje na srpskom tržištu od 2004. godine, a dokaz uspešnosti i poverenja je stabilna liderska pozicija kompanije u oblasti flaširanja i distribucije vode pomoću water cooler aparata. [read more]
The main activity of the Printing house Akademija is production of books, brochures, publications, magazines, newspapers, catalogs and other graphic products and services according with.. [read more]
The Lider Transport company was established in 2000. Headquarter of the company is in Bačka Palanka, Serbia. Today, the Lider Transport company is reliable business partner. [read more]
This is a Serbian society of professionals and enthusiasts in the field of video games, AR/VR/MR, information and high technologies. . [read more]
LINK COMPUTERS - je firma koja se bavi proizvodnjom, prodajom i servisom računarske opreme. Od nastanka, 2000. godine, gradili smo ime koje podrazumeva uslugu na najvišem nivou, robu.. [read more]
Serbian Business Systems – SBS – leading IT system integrator with tradition and reputation on the markets of Serbia and the region. Our driving forces are cooperation, partnership.. [read more]
Linford is one of the leading agencies for Out-of-Home advertising with a focus on shopping malls and business centers in 4 major cities in Serbia. We connect leading brands and consumers.. [read more]
Udruženje građana „Lovefest Vrnjačka Banja" je nevladino, neprofitno udruženje koje se zalaže za rešavanje osnovnih problema građana, društvenih grupa i celokupnog društva u Srbiji. [read more]
Construction company since 1991. specialized in all types of piles, diaphragm walls and other types of deep foundation. Today we have about 60 employees, working at our office and on sites.. [read more]
Marketing agencija posvećena postizanju realnih i opipljivih rezultata koristeći digitalne kanale komunikacije. Fokus je na kompletno transparentnom radu, prilikom čega klijent ima.. [read more]
Dečija igraonica Space Park Zabave je najbolja i najveća dečija igraonica i rođendaonica u Srbiji. Za sve generacije tu je jedinstvena zabava u vidu brojnih sadržaja: veštačka stena,.. [read more]
• What is it?It is reverse auction on spot transportation market (transport of goods by truck, container or air); After more then 100 auctions savings for shippers are 50-500eur per.. [read more]