We provide end-to-end web development services, from creating a prototype to building a complex web application, redesigning existing web apps or migrating legacy code to the newest technologies. [read more]
About MePAYPAL DONATIONS:https://streamlabs. com/andjelasapicSMS DONATIONS:https://keepme. live/x/u/minna-sRULES:-No swearing- No racism- There is no nationalism- No spam-Only write in.. [read more]
We will transform your helpdesk operations and customer experience using set of proven tools that are made in working with companies on 3 different continents and in companies ranging.. [read more]
Tehnika + servis za građevinske profesionalce!. [read more]
LED mreža Srbije predstavlja jedinstvenu grupaciju LED displeja raspoređenih po celoj Srbiji. Prednosti video bilborda i oglašavanja ovog tipa u odnosu na klasične bilborde su itekako vidljive. [read more]
Professional writing for companies in the health industry - medicine, pharmacy, cosmetics, fitness, wellness, nutrition, supplements. . . Our team is led by a Pharmacist trained in Copywriting.. [read more]
Get the job done!. [read more]
Loud Crowd is a civil society organization founded to achieve the goals of improving the conditions and atmosphere for the development of entrepreneurial, socially useful and creative.. [read more]
"LOTEX GROUP" Ltd. is a company founded in 2017, with the aim of providing services in the field of construction. The main activity of our company is the execution of construction.. [read more]
Behind Liyle stands the creative duo of Nikola & Ana Andjelić. Together we work on planning and creating high quality images & videos for businesses and individuals. [read more]
Dečija robna kuća sa najkvalitetnijim proizvodima za vaše dete od 0-14 godina: garderoba, igračke, oprema, kozmetika i još mnogo toga. . [read more]
Listty is a brand new way of socializing with friends through your everyday music, but also connecting with people that share similar music taste. We use Spotify streaming service to bring you.. [read more]
Mining Consultant Company. [read more]
Lasting D. o. o is a company, located at 61 Торњошки пут, Senta, Vojvodina 24400. They can be contacted via phone at +381024-821-197 for more detailed information. [read more]
Laboratory equipment, accessories, and consumables of world-leading manufacturers. coagulation - hematology - biochemistry - immunofluorescence. [read more]
Kompanija Labena d. o. o. od svog osnivanja 1993. godine, bavi se laboratorijskom, procesnom i medicinskom tehnikom u oblastima farmaceutske, medicinske, prehrambene i petro-hemijske industrije,.. [read more]
Kompanija Led-Plamen, osnovana je u Požarevcu, i bavi se pružanjem marketinških usluga, sa akcentom na outdoor oglašavanje putem Digitalnih (led), kao i običnih bilborda. [read more]
Lični Kuvar okuplja vrhunske šefove kuhinja sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u internacionalnim i domaćim restoranima oko jedinstvenog cilja - da donesu restoransko iskustvo i specijalitete u vaš.. [read more]
Innovative BusinessAgility and adapting to trends and new times is our way of working and educating. Our biggest difference is that we use an innovative way of doing business that is quite.. [read more]
A full-service digital marketing agency. We create the best online strategies for your business. Website design, SEO and online advertising. Complete service in one place!. [read more]
We represent companies and other organisations which do business on the internet or connected with the internet, IT, media, entertainment, E-Commerce platforms and companies, as well as support.. [read more]
Linked Ninja is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Supera je osnovana u aprilu 2014. godine, na temelju jasnog cilja – da se putem jednog kontakta dobije brzo i kvalitetno rešenje. Prioritet firme je adekvatno pristupanje i efikasno odgovaranje.. [read more]
SUNCE was founded in 1929 as a small family workshop for steel joinery, gates and fences. The founder, Aleksandar Marinković, was a well-known craftsman whose gates adorn the city of Kragujevac.. [read more]
The Serbian Plant Physiology Society (SPPS) is a non-governmental, non-profit scientific society founded with the aim to achieve the program objectives of promotion and development of research.. [read more]
Studio Logoholik is an award-winning multidisciplinary expert team focused on creative brand identity development. Over the last decade, our work has been awarded and published in almost every.. [read more]
Svoje težnje usmeravamo ka punom zadovoljenju potreba klijenata i poslovnih partnera. . [read more]
Serbian Casino AssociationThe association is constituted to achieve the following objectives:1. To establish an association of casinos in the Republic of Serbia. [read more]
We are leading DOOH Shopping Mall network in Serbia, with innovative integrated approach to campaigns of advertisers, media agencies and partners. Beside traditional DOOH campaigns, we are.. [read more]
Small Idea Factory is a software development consulting shop, specialized in helping people deliver web applications. . [read more]
Superstars is a company, located at 11А Булевар Милутина Миланковића, Belgrade 11070. [read more]
Solid Code is a company, located at 1 Улица Каплара Момчила Гаврића, Belgrade 11221. [read more]
Serbia Green Building Council, nonprofit independent organization, Serbian representative at World Green Building Council - WorldGBC, and Europe Regional Network - ERN. [read more]
Featured by Startup Grind as one of the top 25 European startup companies!Selfikon is a social networking and media sharing app that allows users to share their content with emphasis on selfies. [read more]
Sistem:i is consulting company and systems integrator, founded by experienced and approved IT experts, dedicated to sharing accumulated knowledge and committed to build efficient, secure and.. [read more]
Synergy Talents is a company, located at 4 Улица Милована Маринковића, Belgrade 11040. [read more]