Sun Energy Balkan is a company, located at 6 Улица Владимира Поповића, Belgrade 11070. [read more]
Stojković Attorneys is an independent law firm based in Belgrade/Serbia, renowned for quality legal and tax advice and representation in all areas of law. [read more]
SOKO TIM 021 is producing blow-molded packaging volume from 100 ml up to 20 l. This type of packaging is used in chemical industry, oil industry, car industry, construction business, home.. [read more]
SumrakDesign helps startups in their journey from proof of concept, through prototype and MVP to scaling providing engineering services, business and HR consulting. [read more]
Bar Saša, mesto koje postaje sinonim beogradske gastronomske scene, u jednom od najlepših delova Beograda, u Jevremovoj ulici, u kući koja je izgrađena još sredinom prošlog veka. [read more]
Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo što smo u prilici da vam predstavimo našu viziju, odnosno osnovni cilj delatnosti – unapređenje kvaliteta života svim našim članovima i klijentima kroz.. [read more]
Student Association of Serbia (hereinafter SAS) is a non-profit association of student organizations, formed to achieve objectives in the field of education, student standards and protection of.. [read more]
SixPack design studio provides high quality, custom, authentic and unique graphic and web design solutions and complete digital media production for the companies, brands and organisations. [read more]
SAT Kadrovske usluge is an employment agency founded in 2007 whose scope of activity spreads to providing all kinds of services and solutions from the field of resources on the territory of Serbia. [read more]
Our mission is to provide the highest quality service, innovative solutions to meet the needs and honest relationship with partners. • Web hosting• Domain registration• VPS servers•.. [read more]
Stadion Shopping Center is Belgrade located shopping and football center with about 75. 000sq meters of floor space and about 30. 000 sq meters of retail space. [read more]
SQLBILAB, Business Intelligence consulting firm, was founded in Belgrade (Serbia) in 2014. We offer services in Data Warehouse, ETL process and OLAP cubes design and implementation, data.. [read more]
The Law on Planning and Construction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 47/2003 and 34/2006) regulates the establishment of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers with its seat in Belgrade. [read more]
The Serbian Genealogy Society (SGS) (Serbian: Српско Родословно Друштво) is a non-profit society that is engaged in genealogical research in Serbia and the Balkan peninsula. [read more]
Skillsoft is a company, located at Belgrade. [read more]
Von der Skizze bis zum finalen Produkt. Wir sind für sie zur Stelle. Ob für das Interieur Ihres Restaurants oder Hotels, Ihrer Villa oder Luxuswohnung, wir finden für Sie immer die.. [read more]
SEEZER go beyond everyday virtual connection. We capture everyday impressions and convert them into personal moments. Our company strive to shape a community in a totally new way in order to.. [read more]
SAVA NEŽIVOTNO OSIGURANJE a. d. o. Beograd pripada redu stabilnih i sigurnih osiguravajućih društava i ima zavidnu tradiciju poslovanja na tržištu osiguranja Srbije, dugu preko četiri decenije. [read more]
LHR DOO BEOGRAD is a company, located at 8 Улица Тадија Сондермајера, Belgrade 11070. [read more]
LogistikPlusTrans vrši sve vrste usluga špedicije:transport, skladištenje robe, carinsko posredovanje i konsalting. . [read more]
LE MARCHAND DE FUTS is a company, located at Blace. [read more]
Meatball, polpeta, falafel, frikadeller, albondigas ili ćufta — specijalitet je poznat svim kontinentima. Naš meatball se pravi od najkvalitetnijeg svežeg mesa, prema originalnim.. [read more]
Zahvaljujući dugogodišnjem iskustvu, naš stručni tim servisera će u najkraćem mogućem roku otkloniti kvar na Vašem računaru. U našem servisu nudimo Vam sve što je potrebno za Vaš.. [read more]
Level Up Interactive was founded in 2020. with the goal to provide best possible services of marketing and management for the iGaming brands it represents. [read more]
Iz male zanatske radionice koja je sa radom počela 1991 godine kompanija Limplex je izrasla u modernu kompaniju sa proizvodnim prostorom površine 1800 m2 u Borči i 4000 m2 proizvodnog prostora.. [read more]
Kompanija Light Systems Design je firma sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom. Bavimo se profesionalnim osvetljenjem za privatne kuće, stambene, poslovne I javne objekte. [read more]
We empower people with knowledge, tools and solutions to achieve a sustainable food system. . [read more]
Spend unforgettable moments with us!Your Lazena travel agencyWith its tradition and experience, the Lazena Tourist Agency singles out one-day and multi-day tour programs of the Ovčar-Kablar.. [read more]
Lemon Planet je firma osnovana 2007. godine. Bavimo se veleprodajom sezonske robe kao što su baštenske garniture, bazeni i oprema za bazene, jelke i novogodišnji ukrasi. [read more]
Linde Gas is asuppliers of industrial, medical and special gases and gas equipment. [read more]
LTH Shipons the largest distributor in Serbia of products "LTH", "Gorenja", "Alpha-Plam" and a significant distributor of "Indesita", "Beka", "Bire", "Samsung", "Rade Koncara", "Tefala",.. [read more]
Luka Leget is a Serbia-based freight transport by inland waterways company. . [read more]
Konsultantske usluge u vezi sa upravljanjem i poslovanjem privrednih subjekata, pravni konsalting i sprovođenje obuka za poslodavce, zaposlene i sindikate. [read more]
Lombarda H d. o. o. je jedan od vodećih distributera proizvoda kućne i profesionalne hemije, zaštitne opreme i sredstava za dezinfekciju. Zbog bogatog iskustva i uspešnog rada u.. [read more]
Founded in 2010 by Ivana Laković, Luxury Integrated is a boutique consulting firm specializing in the business of brands, offering tailor-made creative andstrategic communications solutions.. [read more]
Lafarge Srbija je vodeći snabdevač građevinske industrije Srbije i deo LafargeHolcim Grupe, svetskog lidera u oblasti proizvodnje građevinskih materijala. [read more]