We are a special Creative Production Studio fuelled by desire for perfection,innovation and attention to detail. With our knowledge, skills and experiencewe can deliver top quality projects for.. [read more]
POSH&media is a team of young and ambitious professionals with a clear vision of the domestic advertising agency for 21st century. POSH may be associated with luxury, but in the POSH, we know.. [read more]
We, at Milanović inženjering, take a great joy in working and growing with you, continuously developing ourselves and becoming better in all aspects of our business over the past decades. [read more]
Agency for moving and transport in Serbia. Everyone moves at least once in a lifetime. Moving, still, does not have to be a trauma. With thousands of residence and office relocations we left.. [read more]
MAXIMA CONSULTING (previously known as PfD) is a consulting company located in Belgrade, Serbia. Our strategic goal is to enhance sustainable development through advanced consulting.. [read more]
Media & Reform Center Nis (M&RCN) is established on July 4th, 2005, as a non-for-profit and non- partisan organization. Establishment of the M&RCN represents a logical continuation of work in.. [read more]
Makeover studio zamišljen je kao prostor za transformacije. Mesto gde se sreće vrhunski Makeup Art sa kolorizacijom i oblikovanjem kose u, pre svega, prijatnoj i opuštenoj atmosferi. [read more]
Based in Belgrade and founded in 2013, Mama Knows Best offers full Motion Picture and Television production and post production services, with talented professionals that share a passion for.. [read more]
Mitsides Point A. D. is a company, located at Улица Драгиње Никшић, Sremska Mitrovica, Vojvodina 22000. They can be contacted via phone at +381 22 610730 for more detailed information. [read more]
MS Soft Development is a company, located at 10 Новосадски пут, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21203. [read more]
Dobro došli u onine prodavnicu korejske kozmetike! Naš katalog se zasniva na maskama za lice u maramici koje je popularno nazivaju sheet maske. Proizvode možete poručiti preko naše web.. [read more]
Sviss Papier d. o. o. is a Serbian company that is best known for its reputation in the field of manufacturing various types of paper and paper products. [read more]
sells representative. [read more]
SUPERS MEDIA je profesionalni studio za fotografisanje i snimanje proizvoda u Beogradu. Već 15 godina pomažemo klijentima da se izdvoje od konkurencije kvalitetnim fotografijama i video.. [read more]
Magna Pharmacia D. O. O. is a company, located at 60 Улица Ресавска, Belgrade 11000. [read more]
Škola muzike za decu i odrasle. Slušanje, kretanje, pevanje, stvaranje, osećanje, izražavanje, čitanje i sviranje muzike se usvaja kroz pažljivo kreirane programe koji osnažuju.. [read more]
For over 22 years, Mega Modulor Ltd. is known for a strong commitment to providing professional services and the development of long term business relationships. [read more]
Društvo Minić & Minić je nastalo 2001. godine kao sledbenik agencije za knjigovodstvene usluge koja je počela sa radom marta 1991. godine. Osnovna delatnost društva je pružanje.. [read more]
Mlekara Leskovac is a dairy company based out of Leskovac, Serbia. . [read more]
Development of the organizations in South East Europe Region and their desire to transform in order to respond to the challenges of the great competitiveness has conditioned that the.. [read more]
Mikijelj Jankovic & Bogdanovic is a law firm established in 1985 in Belgrade, Serbia. We represent clients in over 30 countries with a particular focus on Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia.. [read more]
Morrum Consuting Corp is a small team of very talented Android mobile apps developers and designers who are focused on creating useful and entertaining mobile apps. [read more]
Creative solutions for your digital identity. We are a brand agency for the digital age. There are many digital channels available such as the internet and social media, the connection between.. [read more]
Megaplast je porodična firma osnovana početkom milenijuma koja je za nešto više od decenije postojanja izrasla u jednog od lidera na srpskom tržištu u proizvodnji i prodaji PVC i.. [read more]
-Product macroeconomic bulletin. [read more]
U današnjem svetu nije dovoljno govoriti samo jedan strani jezik. Naučiti drugi jezik je dodatno blago, otvaranje novih vidika, na ličnom i stručnom planu. [read more]
MIA Consulting is a young agency that deals with writing and implementing projects and developing organizations. Working in a pleasant atmosphere and with relaxed and flexible working.. [read more]
Metalac FAD is a company specialized in designing, manufacturing, testing and selling of parts for steering and suspension, for all types of motor vehicles. [read more]
MadNet se ponosi poverenjem koje su nam klijenti poklonili i poslovima koje smo za njih uradili. Osnovani smo 2001. godine i specijalizovali smo se za Internet rešenja, računarske mreže.. [read more]
MBA Ratko Mitrović Niskogradnja je kompanija koja se bavi izvođenjem radova u oblasti niskogradnje i visokogradnje. \Kompanija pruža i uslugu iznajmljivanja kompletne mehanizacije za.. [read more]
MLADOST is one of the biggest and most prominent producers of building materials in the region, a familiar name on the market, a synonym for quality tile, building blocks and ceilings.. [read more]
MK Commerce is a company, located at 7 Trg Marije Trandafil, Novi Sad, Vojvodina. [read more]
MarketLinx je vlasnik GoogleSrbija. com i GoogleSrbija. rs i zastupa Google Sponzorisane Promocije u Srbiji. MarketLinx d. o. o. *Matični broj: 20386410PIB: 105445242Žiro račun - ProCredit.. [read more]
MI Vision HealthCare doo je specijalizovana konsultantska kuća koja pruža usluge posredovanja u spajanju najboljih medicinskih stručnjaka i pacijenata putem interneta, odnosno posredovanja.. [read more]
Our goal has always been to bridge the gap for our clients and to solve problems without creating new ones. Simply put, reducing overhead should be just one of many perks when working with.. [read more]
Motion Picture Company ART&POPCORN was founded in Belgrade in 2004 by the group of young film professionals with an idea and intention to produce good films. [read more]