Kompanija Medigen d. o. o osnovana je sa ciljem da pruži najmodernije usluge iz oblasti medicine, genetičkih testova i čuvanja matičnih ćelija. Medigen d. [read more]
Montecha is a remote-first software development company specialized in developing scalable applications and high-quality products. We are helping our clients to deliver an outstanding experience.. [read more]
Website builder for web designers & developers who enjoy the comforts of a builder setting but favor writing their code too. . [read more]
MERRYLAND je specijalizovana škola za učenje engleskog i nemačkog jezika, koja svojim polaznicima nudi opšte, konverzacione, strukovne kurseve kao i pripremu za polaganje međunarodnih ispita. [read more]
Dental Medicine Practice. [read more]
Millimeter je brend osnovan 2017. godine, koji je koncipiran na pravljenju personalizovane odeće za muškarce. Svaki komad je sašiven od najkvalitetnijih materijala iz Italije, Engleske.. [read more]
Kvalitet naših usluga merimo isključivo prema zadovoljstvu naših klijenata, zahvaljujući čemu već godinama važimo za jednu od najuspešnijih mreža menjačnica u Novom Sadu. [read more]
B2B Sales & Brand Copywriting and Content Writing. Sell smarter with a strategic approach to communication. . [read more]
Modern Business School (MBS) was founded in 2008 by Digifactum Academy from Vienna, Austria. We knew that in life it is not enough to become a student, to complete a college and then to look.. [read more]
Precizno i dosledno pratimo potrebe naših korisnika i stručnim kadrom implementiramo najsavremenija rešenja u industrijsku praksu. . [read more]
Radio broadcasting company "021". Radio 021 doo, Novi Sad. 21000 Novi Sad, Svetozara Miletića 45. 021/ 473 92 40, 473 92 44. Naziv programa: Radio 021 Frekvencija: 92,2 MHz Oblast pokrivanja:.. [read more]
Факултет за примењени менаџмент, економију и финансије (МЕФ) је савремена институција знања са модерном концепцијом образовног система, основаног 2000. [read more]
Developed by industry experts, our education programmes equip you with skills and knowledge to succeed in the chosen field. Molèn Academy provides education informed by rapidly evolving global market. [read more]
We are a spatial design studio that helps you create extraordinary spaces. . [read more]
Hemijska industrija MABO d. o. o. iz Leskovca osnovana je 2003. godine s ciljem da potrošačima pruži kvalitetne proizvode po povoljnoj ceni. Od samog osnivanja kompanije naš prioritet je bio.. [read more]
Moj Svet Novi Sad ❤❤je poludnevni produženi boravak za decu školskog uzrasta od prvog do četvrtog razreda. Uspešno radimo već četiri godine sa veoma dobrim rezultatima. [read more]
Mihano Momosa is a brand devoted to a woman and places her in the center of it's creativity by giving her the title of a princess and inserting her into a modern fairy tale context. [read more]
M Enterijer Gradnja was founded in 2007, set by the founder of the company, graduate civil engineer Mr. Marko Ivic. Since then, the company demonstrated significant development proven by a number.. [read more]
Mihailovic Marketing is a company, located at Belgrade. They can be contacted via phone at +1 401-300-4653 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Medical Dental Grupa predstavlja savremenu medicinsku ustanovu, odnosno zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika koju čini profesionalno osobolje sa dugogodišnjim radnim iskustvom. [read more]
Mathematical Institute SASA, an institutional member of the European Mathematical Society, is a scientific institute engaged in scientific research in the field of mathematics, mechanics and.. [read more]
MassFly Innovation ltd is a company established in 2019 in Novi Sad, Serbia. The core business of the company is to provide specialized service for professional farmers and distribution of.. [read more]
We are a private medical clinic with a laboratory. We have over 40 medical doctors that work in 20 different medical specialties. Our modern, well-equipped laboratory can perform more than.. [read more]
Brand Maruška, is a Serbian luxury goods manufacturer. It has been consistently ranked as the Serbian most valuable brand in terms of luxury business gifts and best quality silk goods. [read more]
Medical Echo has been established in 2017 as small team of hard working individuals. We are proud distributor and service partner of Mindray Shenzhen Bio-Medical, in field of MIS - Ultrasound.. [read more]
Video i audio striming Embedded sistemiWeb servisi. [read more]
We are wherever you need us. At over 100 locations in 32 countries, our 2,100 employees always have the right answer to your forwarding and logistics needs. [read more]
Muzej nauke i tehnike – Beograd је temeljna i krovna institucija u otkrivanju, istraživanju, zaštiti, konzervaciji, prezentaciji i propagiranju naučno tehničke baštine Srbije. [read more]
MD Imaging doo, iz Beograda, je preko 20 godina ovlašćeni distributer za prodaju i servis ultrazvučni aparata i aparata za merenje gustine kostiju , renomiranog svetskog proizvođača GE Healthcare. [read more]
Od marta 1988. godine, kada je na Slaviji u Beogradu otvoren prvi McDonald's u Srbiji, do danas kada širom Srbije posluje već 26 McDonald's restorana, kontinuirano ulažemo u razvoj.. [read more]
MM Editing agency is a skilled group of copywriters, creative thinkers, and SEO specialists offering a full-fledged content management service in different industries – online gaming, sports,.. [read more]
Mossart is Belgrade based company with an expertise in interior decoration by using natural stabilized moss. . [read more]
nanobile is the award wining Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence hardware and software development and manufacturing company focused on Smart City and CleanTech.. [read more]
Mold Solutions is a supplier specialized in deliveries of Plastic Injection Tooling. We support our clients in finding optimal solutions for their business and manufacturing goals. [read more]
Kompanija Megal ima iskustvo u radu od preko 30 godina tokom tog perioda se uspešno bavi proizvodnjom i prodajom metalnog industrijskog nameštaja za višestruku namenu. [read more]
Metech Ltd is mechanical and industrial subcontracting company based in Serbia & Belgium as fullsystem suppliers for sheetmetal & lightmetal projects. [read more]