We are developing and distributing Additive Manufacturing technology for the construction industry, shortly called AMC or 3DCP. Our printer technology, proprietary material solutions and.. [read more]
Naučno tehnološki park Čačak omogućava saradnju privrede, nauke i istraživanja kroz razvoj novih ideja u cilju povećanja konkurentnosti regionalne privrede. [read more]
Neofit Cosmetics is producing exclusive cosmetic products for hotels, professional and personal care. At Neofit Cosmetics we pledge to use the finest ingredients to produce cosmetics that.. [read more]
Niche Media is a young start-up company founded in 2019 that specialises in bulk video editing & digital media services. Niche Media has attracted media clients from the United Kingdom & other.. [read more]
Neuraspike is a Data Science Blog focused in the area of Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning & OpenCV with Python. 📈 Help companies generate more revenue with their data.. [read more]
A creative, unique brand and advertising agency with focus on the idea and an eye for detail. An agile group of creatives that are working for the welfare of others on a daily basis. [read more]
We are young creative agency filled with love and turned to launching perfect internet campaigns. Established in 2013, we grew up to be a serious crew that had an honor of working with clients.. [read more]
Heat transfer is our focus. We have three sectors: sales, service and engineering. Trading offers Kelvion Heat exchangers (plate, shell&tube and air) as well as cooling towers, RascoTamp.. [read more]
Nacionalni centar za posredovanje u rešavanju sporova je organizacija koja se bavi sprovođenjem postupka posredovanja (medijacijom), kao i osposobljavanjem i kontinuiranim usavršavanjem.. [read more]
Nordframe is a company founded by a team of young and tech-savvy entrepreneurs who came together through our mutual love of coding and a desire to work on more challenging and rewarding projects. [read more]
Technical support and system integrations in field of telecommunication industry - DVB, OTT, DOCSIS, DAA, PON, HFC. [read more]
Nexia Star is a member of Nexia International, the 8th largest network of leading independent audit and consulting companies worldwide. . [read more]
Nexia Star Ltd, a member of Nexia International, the audit – consulting company backed by the experience that has been lasting for almost two decades, as well as the reputation and expertise.. [read more]
Nikku is a company, located at 4 Улица Вука Караџића, Belgrade 11000. They can be contacted via phone at +381064/100-91-77 for more detailed information. [read more]
A software development company building enterprise level & engaging online experiences. [read more]
NS Hotels is a company, located at 3 Улица Народних хероја, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21101. [read more]
New Mood Media is a digital marketing agency that creates complete digital appearance and visual identity for your brand. With a passionate and talented team we can offer visual solutions for.. [read more]
Naši stručnjaci su visoko kvalifikovani i iskusni u oblastima računovodstva, poreza i uopšte finansija, kadrovskih pitanja, IT rešenja i poslovne administrativne podrške. [read more]
NKP Law office has been established by lawyers with long and distinguished experience built in the biggest multinational construction company from SEE that operated various areas of trade.. [read more]
Our mission is focused on helping businesses in the hospitality industry make the most of their online presence while offering completely personalised service and collaboration on a partnership basis. [read more]
Our devilish nature inspired us to seek forbidden knowledge of audio production and sacrifice that which is sacred to any living being so we could wield unimaginable power and channel it into.. [read more]
Our goal:Noviprog is a software development company whose main goal is to deliver exceptional and high quality software solutions, ensuring that we exceed our clients' demands. [read more]
We are a specialized company of selected professionals who are able to understand the needs of our business partners. We provide high quality technical support and IT solutions. [read more]
We focus on new generation technologies like Flutter and VR while we strive to apply old school and battle proven best practices, leveraging our Computer Science education background. [read more]
Mi smo skup iskusnih pojedinaca koji već godinama sarađuju i timski posluju u vašem najboljem interesu. Vi donosite odluke, mi smo tu da vas podržimo. [read more]
NIKSOFT is a company, located at Beograd. [read more]
NATANI engages in the design and development of information systems. . [read more]
Dedicated to deliver clean and efficient solutions and services for respectful partner, with integrity and security, using modern, proven and up-to-date technologies. [read more]
Agencija za integrisane komunikacije New Media Team osnovana je 2009. godine. Naš tim čine profesionalci udruženi u zajedničkom cilju - da nadmaše očekivanja klijenata na svakom projektu i.. [read more]
NAI WMG. [read more]
Kompanija koja se bavi prodajom i ugradnjom video nadzora, pametnih prekidaca, led rasvete, hotelskih sigurnosnih brava. Takodje radimo i servis i popravku racunara i izradu web sajtova. [read more]
naKlik is a company, located at 2 Улица Хајдук-Станкова, Belgrade 11050. They can be contacted via phone at +381604446816 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nabavka, ugradnja, održavanje i servisiranje telekomunikacionih sistema, odnosno "slaba struja". . [read more]
Kao kultna francuska laboratorija prirodne kozmetike, NUXE je slavan po svojim luksuznim inovativnim proizvodima koji žene čine lepšim i srećenijim. Zbog svoje inovativnosti,.. [read more]
NATURALIST works in the field of landscape architecture. During 27 years of existence, we have designed, constructed and reconstructed many gardens, parks, interiors, exhibitions, and fair.. [read more]
Science Technology Park Nis is an organization that, in close cooperation with the University and the academic community, provides infrastructure and services to help innovative businesses.. [read more]