TalkingDeck is a Google Slides add-on which enables you to turn your Google Slides and PowerPoint presentations into narrated video with a single mouse click. [read more]
This page is dedicated to our office in Serbia, all the latest news, vacancies and more. . [read more]
TDM d. o. o. je porodično preduzeće koje se bavi distribucijom opreme za termo-tehničke instalacije i pruža usluge konsaltinga i inženjeringa. Osnovan je 14. [read more]
Moje ime je Jovana i predstavljam vam moju malu radionicu za ručnu izradu testenine. Po zanimanju sam strukovni ekonomista ali nažalost nikada nisam imala priliku da radim posao u struci. [read more]
Trion Motors is a company, located at 7 Улица Витезова Карађорђеве звезде, Belgrade 11160. [read more]
HTZ oprema, zaštitna oprema, radne cipele, radna odeća, rukavice, zaštita glave i lica, sluha i organa za disanje, zaštitne naočare - Tim Promet. . [read more]
Tunalux DOO Belgrade, Serbia is a company, located at 19 Ismeta Mujezinovića, Beograd 11070. [read more]
Teen Star is the most relatable teenage site in South East Europe. Founded in 2015 as an digital only magazine, it has quickly caught the eye of the industry. [read more]
System integrator company with focus and passion in improving and optimizing business support systems and applying new technologies in real world projects. [read more]
Let your team work sounds like a symphony!Teamphony is inventive and intelligent business management solution, generally covering team and task management, business process management,.. [read more]
The Consilia Partners doo is an independent business advisory firm, offering services to the management of companies, banks, private equity investors and family offices. [read more]
Turist Bezdan d. o. o. is a restaurant, located at Bezdan, Vojvodina. [read more]
Thomas-Koziarski Peric Consultipng (TKP Consulting d. o. o. ), registered in Serbia (in association with Thomas-Koziarski Consulting Sp. Jawna, Poland ), was founded in 2014. [read more]
Tehnologika d. o. o. Beograd, je ćerka firma kompanije TechnoLogica, čijih više od 200 zaposlenih, od 1990. godine razvijaju širok spektar usluga na polju informacionih tehnologija. [read more]
Full Service Branding and Consulting Agency. We do Branding, Logo and Design, Digital, Project management and Event Planning for You. Together We Design Your Brand Success. [read more]
topIC is a platform with one clear goal: to build and strengthen the field of internal communications in the Balkan market. We deliver our goals by working in two fields: - With businesses through.. [read more]
We need to contentiously review our sales process in relation to changing markets and customer needs. Focus on your target group(s) and (re)define your approach. [read more]
Generalni menadžer:Bojana LekićVršilac dužnosti glavnog i odgovornog urednika:Bojana LekićDirektor tehnike:Slobodan FilipovićDirektor produkcije:Mane ŠijanDirektor.. [read more]
Naša osnovna delatnost je web dizajn i izrada Internet prezentacija, redizajn i optimizacija sajtova za pretraživače. Takođe, bavimo se i marketingom na internetu kao i izradom.. [read more]
Switch your ideas into realityWe are someone who understands your business and to whom your business is as important as to you. We have knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering,.. [read more]
Tehno-Coop d. o. o. is a transportation/trucking/railroad company based in Serbia. . [read more]
Turistički web sajt Travel&Share. Info, gde ćete na najzanimljiviji način proputovati kroz više i manje poznate svetske turističke destinacije, prikupiti informacije koje će vam biti.. [read more]
Terraforming is committed to promoting and improving teaching and learning about the Holocaust and combating antisemitism, antigypsyism and other forms of xenophobia. [read more]
Tera Adria Technology was founded in Jun 2016 in Belgrade. Main motive is to bring to broadcast market of Adria region new ideas and solutions in the field of TV and Radio production. [read more]
Firma TIS d. o. o. osnovana je 1993 godine sa sedištem u Ivanjici, a osnovna delatnost bila je proizvodnja i promet rezane građe. Težak i neizvestan privredni ambijent u tom periodu uzrokovao.. [read more]
TrinityRank je SEO firma koja se bavi rangiranjem sajtova i video-produkcijom. Posvećeni smo konstantnom učenju, testiranju i napretku. Cilj nam je da svaki Rankovac postane pola.. [read more]
We are passionate about pairing Serbian wine with Serbian culture. We want foreigners, expats, travelers, and locals to experience the richness of one of Europe's best-kept secrets. [read more]
Tests and measurements specialists. Measurements of mechanical quantities: strain, stress, force, mass, torque, pressure, displacement, vibrations, sound. [read more]
Kompanija TARGO Telekom osnovana je 2009. godine. TARGO Telekom je vlasnik magistralne optičke mreže duge 1. 350 km koja spaja Srbiju sa susednim zemljama, kao i optičke distributivne FTTP.. [read more]
We started off as a small group of watch enthusiasts specialized in different areas (leather production, marketing and watch industry). At one point we decided to merge our professional.. [read more]
T&T Brand Factory je osnovan 2017. godine. Danas možemo da odgovorimo na sve zahteve klijenata ili repozicioniranja brenda na tržištu, počev od izbora imena, preko kompletnog.. [read more]
In 2010 the company of TAB dd decides to open in Serbia its daughter company TAB Batteries d. o. o in Ugrinovci and as such, Tab Batteries d. o. o is the sole authorized importer and distributor.. [read more]
A leading scientific and research institution in the field of veterinary science and biotechnology in Serbia. Founded by the National Assembly in 1950. [read more]
-Vođenje društvenih mreža-Kreiranje marketing strategije-Copywriting-Grafički dizajn-Google Ads-E-mail marketing-Planiranje marketinških kampanja-Brendiranje-Konsultantske.. [read more]
Oral B Čukić je privatna stomatološka praksa osnovana 1996. godine pod imenom "ORAL B", a osnivač i vlasnik je dr Branislav Čukić. Pružamo stomatološke usluge na najvišem.. [read more]
Svratište za decu jedinstveno mesto koje za cilj ima unapređenje kvaliteta života dece u uličnoj situaciji. Deca koja nas posećuju su uzrasta od 5 do 15 godina i izložena su višestrukim rizicima. [read more]