Udruženje pravnika u privredi Republike Srbije, kao stručno-profesionalna neprofitna organizacija, osnovano je 23. 12. 1992. godine, najpre kao Udruženje pravnika u privredi SR Jugoslavije,.. [read more]
Company UNO-LUX d. o. o. was founded in 1993. In mid-1994, UNO-LUX began cooperation and in 1995 became the authorized distributor of the US company PLCDirect by Koyo (later AUTOMATIONDIRECT). [read more]
Udruženje inženjera „Tesla" je nevladino i neprofitno udruženje, osnovano na neodređeno vreme radi ostvarivanja ciljeva u svrhu razvoja i unapređenja elektrotehnike u oblasti praktične primene. [read more]
UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. UNDP works in partnership with the Government of Serbia,.. [read more]
Urban Shop is a company, located at Serbia. [read more]
Ugugo is a software firm that designs and develops website for diversified industries. . [read more]
Uz Uklopii. me dođi do posla već za mesec dana. . [read more]
Usluga is a wood industry that manufactures funeral equipments and wood products. [read more]
Urban Real Estate offers spacious apartments in downtown Belgrade for business travelers. We founded Urban real estate in 2014 and so far we have hosted many business travelers from U. [read more]
United Arab Emirates and Serbia Business Club is a non-governmental and non-profit association founded to achieve the goals of promoting economic and other forms of cooperation between the.. [read more]
Udruženje proizvođača inovativnih lekova INOVIA osnovano je u februaru 2007. godine. Članice udruženja su inovativne farmaceutske kompanije koje posluju u Srbiji. [read more]
Unit Media is a creative and digital design services provider. We aim to provide creative, cost-efficient, and effective digital marketing solutions for your businesses. [read more]
https://www. instagram. com/unitedinfluencers. see/THE NEXT GENERATION MEDIA COMPANY 🖤We are a full service influencer marketing agency. 🖤For authentic, meaningful relations.. [read more]
Dating from 1846, the Faculty of Civil Engineering is the oldest and the largest institution for higher education and research in the field of civil engineering and geodesy in Serbia and in.. [read more]
Faculty of Sciences is an educational and scientific institution providing teaching and scientific research activities within the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics,.. [read more]
Grupa mladih preduzetnika 8. novembra 2013. godine osnovala je Udruženje mladih privrednika Srbije (UMPS), sa ciljem doprinosa stvaranju poslovne klime koja bi mlade ljude podstakla da.. [read more]
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Physical Chemistry is a company, located at 16 Студентски трг, Belgrade 11158. [read more]
Универзитет у Новом Саду је са око 50. 000 студената и 5. 000 запослених једно од највећих научних и.. [read more]
Univerzitet "Union – Nikola Tesla" osnovan je sa ciljem da omogući zakonito funkcionisanje fakulteta bez svojstva pravnog lica, kao i fakulteta sa svojstvom pravnog lica u njegovom sastavu.. [read more]
University of Kragujevac was founded on 21 May 1976. It consists of 12 accredited faculties with legal personality, work permits, which are located in 6 cities of central Serbia: Kragujevac,.. [read more]
Underit provides outsourcing services in field of embedded software development. Our field of knowledge is wide, from entertainment software base on Linux and Android platforms to.. [read more]
Upstream ICT Alliance is strongly passionate and professionally devoted to long-term development of the Open Networking solutions, SDN, White Box economies of scale, IOT, IIOT, and IP video.. [read more]
Tillverkning av formverktyg. [read more]
Udruženje osiguravača Srbije je pravni sledbenik Udruženja osiguravajućih organizacija Jugoslavije koje su osnovale organizacije za osiguranje, februara 1968. [read more]
Nakon 10 godina iskustva u čeličnim konstrukcijama u firmi Argus inženjering d. o. o. i rada na mnogim projektima za privatna lica i javna preduzeća u februaru 2013. [read more]
Marketing & Advertising / Media Planning, Media Buying,Communication Planning, Research, etc. . . . [read more]
UR BREND PLUS već godinu dana posluje sa ciljem da na tržištu ponudi nešto sasvim novo što će mnoge kompanije i prepoznati kao veliki plus ove firme. S obzirom da u ponudi imamo.. [read more]
Ubisoft Belgrade studio was opened in November 2016, after Ubisoft decided to come to Serbia and open it's first studio here. At first, the team consisted of 10 programmers, who were.. [read more]
Urban Technics is one-stop-shop for all the extruded plastic parts for the Home Appliances Industry, such as PS Sheets and Foils, Plastic Profiles and Door Gaskets. [read more]
contemporary street food restaurant. [read more]
For over a two years, Upqube has been helping businesses (big and small) create, design, develop and optimize websites that wow customers and create a raving fan. [read more]
Ukus Beograda (Taste of Belgrade) is a dynamic, modern and insightful portal about Belgrade's hospitality and gastronomy, with a strong emphasis on cookery, restaurant service and hotels. [read more]
Ucon Gmbh is a company, located at 1a Neznanog junaka, Beograd 116558. They can be contacted via phone at +49 30 89204861 for more detailed information. [read more]
Udruženje stalnih sudskih prevodilaca i tumača Srbije je udruženje osnovano s ciljem očuvanja dostojanstva i ugleda struke stalnih sudskih prevodilaca i tumača, te strukovno povezivanje.. [read more]
Uniplast je regionalni lider na tržištu u proizvodnji i distribuciji farmaceutske, medicinske i kozmetičke – ambalaže. U toku 30 godina rada, samostalno smo razvili preko 150.. [read more]
US VISUALS is a team of experts that specializes in architectural visualization. We have been doing architectural animations and visualizations for leading companies in 3D, architecture.. [read more]