Refrigeration and retail solutions. [read more]
- Računovodstvene usluge- Poresko savetovanje. [read more]
Medjunarodni transport svih vrsta robe šleperima i hladnjačama. Savremeno opremljen vozni park, stručan kadar. Posedujemo sve vrste dozvola neophodnih za obavljanje medjunarodnog transporta. [read more]
The company Trgoprodukt, throughout its almost forty-year history of business, has relied mostly on the automotive industry. Due to the change in the business climate over the years and the.. [read more]
This project aims to develop a novel tourism destination competitiveness model for Serbia, useful for policy-makers to evaluate the tourism competitiveness of Serbia over time and to guide them.. [read more]
Tour Operator L. L. C. is one of the region's leading Destination Management Companies, specialized in travel to the Balkans and Southeast Europe. Balkan&more provides extraordinary private and.. [read more]
We are The Horizon. Next-gen No Code Agency based in Serbia. We offer top tier Brand Identity design, Web design and Webflow development. We create a design that helps businesses to sell.. [read more]
Consultancy services- strategies, implementation plans, project management and reporting for building more resilient and sustainable practices. . [read more]
Talija (grč. Thalia, Thaleia) mit. 1. jedna od tri gracije; 2. jedna od devet muza, muza zaštitnica dramskog pesništva, naročito komedije; otuda: Talijin hram = pozorište. [read more]
TAKT Film Fest is an international film festival. We want to bring the world of film to music lovers, and the world of music to film lovers. The focus of the festival is on the films that are.. [read more]
Na tržistu Srbije nalazimo se već duže od 30 godina. Pozicionirali smo se kao stabilna firma, pouzdan dobavljač i siguran partner za sve naše komitente. [read more]
Airport Belgrade Catering offers airline and jet catering services for the aviation industry. . [read more]
Tesla 24h je kompanija čija je svrha pružiti sto jednostavnija, inovativnarešenja korisnicima u oblasti auto usluga. Pouzdanost i kvalitet su 2 stuba koja obezbeđuju konstantnu i.. [read more]
The Vigorous Male is dedicated to providing the most cutting-edge bodybuilding, and lifestyle information to maximize your self-improvement. . [read more]
The Company "Termo Tim" was established in 2004 in Belgrade. Since its establishment, the company has been carrying out considerable work on the entire territory of the country in the field of.. [read more]
We are foremost SQL experts with experience in writing complex stored procedures from commonly found variants such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, as well as other variants such as PostgreSQL.. [read more]
Through quality teamwork, successful projects and interactive relationship with clients, our company, Technology International Services, has represented the top brands of strategic partners for.. [read more]
Tomas & Ray is a family firm founded in Belgrade in 1993. We are a leading distributor of perfume and beauty brands in Serbia and Montenegro. Brands in our portfolio: Paco Rabanne, Carolina.. [read more]
Software Quality Experts with more than 10 years of QA and Testing Experience, Test Management, ISTQB Certified Testers, Detailed Oriented, Quick Learners, QA process Evangelists. [read more]
Preduzeće TRMKA-KABL TELEKOMUNIKACIJE d. o. o Vrnjačka Banja postoji radi podmirenja sadašnjih i budućih potreba tržišta Srbije za uslugama postavljanja telekomunikacionih sistema. [read more]
Teleoptik-Gyroscopes is a modernly equipped company focused on thedevelopment of avionics and optoelectronics. . [read more]
Family owned and run wholesale company specialized in distribution of machinery, equipment, and related components for mining, steel production, chemical, cement and other industries, dedicated.. [read more]
TurizamSrbije. co. rs predstavlja vodeći portal za rezervaciju smeštaja i promociju najpopularnijih turističkih objekata i destinacija u Republici Srbiji. [read more]
We are a team of mechanical engineers with many years of experience in the different fields: designing products, production, production technology, both single and mass, quality control and.. [read more]
Tower Hill is a Video Production Company based in Vršac, Serbia. Our Company is focused on producing all types of Video Materials, from Movies and Music Videos to Promotional Videos and.. [read more]
TAOAT is a young company dealing in logistics support. Although our company is young, we have over seven years of logistics coordination experience in:1) Load booking and dispatching 2).. [read more]
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live.. [read more]
Povećanje prodaje, formiranje brenda i imidža, upoznavanje okruženja sa Vašim brendom su samo osnovne pogodnosti korišćenja digitalnih komunikacija. Naš cilj jeste digitalizacija.. [read more]
We protect critical and sensitive ecosystems and wild species from negative human impact and unsustainable practices. We advocate the formal protection of new areas and habitats,.. [read more]
Tango natural is leading organizations in the world of tango in Europe. With many years of experience and a unique work system, the school has managed to position itself as a leader in this field. [read more]
We are providing the entire organization for the projects from the beginning to the end, step by step development process of the projects with full team capacity using. [read more]
Letovanja, Gradovi Evrope, Djački Turizam, Avio Karte. . . . [read more]
Trinity is a concept that brings together a team of experts in the field of physical preparation, dietetics, psychology and biochemistry, biophysics, with the aim of providing people.. [read more]
Meditacije | Reiki | Hipnoterapija | Regresoterapija | Škola života ⭐ Meditacije - za pojedince i za grupe. Meditacija na poslu ne samo što je cool, nego je i višestruko korisna. [read more]
Lokalna televizija Grada Kikinde. [read more]
Te2 Media | Požarevac vesti, najvažnije vesti, info, društvo, ekonomija, hronika, politika, život, zabava, servisne vesti – Požarevac i Braničevski okrug. [read more]