Caffe Pizzeria Dorian Grey is a cafe, located at Nikole Pasica 4, 19000 Zajecar. They can be contacted via phone at 0637773901 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gradska Prica is a bar, located at Djure Jaksica br 3, 11000 Belgrade. They can be contacted via phone at 0621566158 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Mellersta eller Centrala Serbien, även kallat Egentliga Serbien är den landsdel av Republiken Serbien som inte ingår i vare sig den autonoma provinsen Vojvodina eller det omtvistade Kosovo. [read more]
La Serbie centrale est la partie de la Serbie située en dehors des provinces autonomes de Voïvodine et du Kosovo. Elle est parfois appelée « Serbie intérieure ». [read more]
Social Club, Night Club and Cafe Kosmosapiens je smesten u samom centru Novog Sada u dvoristu hotela Vojvodina. . [read more]
gavra_bar is a bar, located at Dositeja Obradovica 7, 35230 Cuprija. They can be contacted via phone at +381600350355 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Café u Beogradskom naselju Skojevsko sa predivnim pogledom na Avalu. . [read more]
Novi Plato kafe-klub otvoren je u donjem nivou knjižare Plato u Knez Mihailovoj 48. Svirke vikendom, književne večeri preko nedelje, kafa preko dana. [read more]
20 i kusur godina sa vama, na severnoj, osunčanoj tribini stadiona Karađorđe (stadion Vojvodine), dobro nam došli vazda!. [read more]
中央塞爾維亞(Централна Србија /Centralna Srbija)或塞爾維亞本土(Ужа Србија /Uža Srbija)是指塞爾維亞不包括科索沃和伏伊伏丁那的部份,但與這兩區不同,並沒有相應的行政機關。面积55,974平方公里,人口5,454,950(2002. 4)。下分17州。. [read more]
Our Boom Boom bar is a beautifill place for chillout during the day and cherrful parties during the night with live music. We are pet frendly. . [read more]
Park Caffe Ub is a cafe, located at Park Ub, 14210 Ub. They can be contacted via phone at 065/47-47-047 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Dobro došli u naš cafe & bar u Strahinjića Bana 48. . [read more]
Poslasticarnica la Felicita is a cafe, located at Р-122, 24435 Mol. They can be contacted via phone at +381638615506 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Central Serbia, also referred to as Serbia proper, is the part of Serbia lying outside of the provinces of Vojvodina to the north and the disputed territory of Kosovo to the south. [read more]
Café Cinema prepoznatljiv po živoj atmosferi,odličnoj kafi,koktelima,dobrom provodu i extra usluzi predstavlja savršeno mesto za popodnevno druženje!. [read more]
Zvuci Srca is a store, located at Čuburska 12, 11118 Belgrade. [read more]
Ovo mesto je zbirka ukusa, pažljivo odabranih i skupljenih, koje možete da osetite ovde ili da ponesete sa sobom i podelite sa nekim. . [read more]
Caffe Metropol se nalazi u jednom od najstarijijih Beogradskih naselja, na Dorcolu, u ulici Strahinjica Bana 2. . [read more]
Bar. [read more]
Gardoš Tower or Millennium Tower, and also known as Kula Sibinjanin Janka is a memorial tower located in Zemun, Serbia. It was built and officially opened on 20 August 1896 to celebrate a.. [read more]
Gardoš Pub is a bar, located at Visoka 35, 11080 Zemun. They can be contacted via phone at 011 2613177 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Odličan provod uz dobru muziku,lepe žene,pravo društvo i neverovatne promocije pića od četvrtka do nedelje. Dođite da đUSKAmo zajedno ! :). [read more]
U sklopu igraonice nalazi se Intrenet caffe, Xbox 360, Nitendo WII, stoni fudbal, karaoke. Organizujemo proslave dečijih rođendana zatvorenog tipa. [read more]
Nacrtajte se na pravom mestu!. [read more]
Cafe restoran SIDRO se nalazi u sklopu marine SIDRO i smesten je uz samu ivicu jezera. Ima lepu terasu nad jezerom sa koje se pruža divan poged na jezero marine i na reku Savu. [read more]
Cafe Restaurant Atina is a cafe, located at Katolička porta 1, 21000 Novi Sad. They can be contacted via phone at 021 474 8888 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pizzeria i caffe sa italijanskom kuhinjom, po pristupačnim cenama, prijatnom atmosferom i ljubaznim osobljem. . [read more]
Downtown Caffe NP is a cafe, located at Relje Krilatice 104, 36300 Novi Pazar. [read more]
Cafe Metro. [read more]
Comuna caffe bar je smesten u srcu Novog Beograda u zgradi Opstine Novi Beograd. . [read more]
Городское кафе "Проходной Двор". [read more]
Bistro Jazz cafe na Obilićevom Vencu, u srcu Beograda. Uživajte u dobroj atmosferi, opuštajućim zvucima Jazz-a, odličnoj hrani, najboljoj kafi. . . . [read more]
Башня Гардош — мемориальная башня в Белграде, столице Сербии. Расположена в городском районе.. [read more]
Centraal-Servië is het gedeelte van Servië buiten de autonome provincies Vojvodina en Kosovo. Centraal-Servië is geen bestuurlijke eenheid en valt direct onder de centrale regering in Belgrado. [read more]