About me and my love.
Let me introduce myself and confess. My name is Andrey and I am 37. I fell in love with Photography about 25 years ago, during school years. Those days my Love was black-and-white and shy, scented with the fragrance of developers and fixers, and let me look at her only in complete darkness. She charmed me with her perfect nature and landscape features. Mountain hikes, sunsets and sunrises, meadows and forests, vastness of a night sky – and all the memories given by her- this is something I will never cease to admire and love.
Over time, I discovered new features in my Beloved. She was getting more beautiful with age. Because of love she started shining with all the colors I complimented her. What once was black-and-white was over. Now, we were swimming in a turquoise sea, running on a golden carpet of ripe wheat, admiring blue sky, and throwing colorful autumn foliage up in the air.
After so many years, my love to Photography has become more mature and comprehending. I am getting to know her better and better. I learned that She has a lot of new faces and edges. She is a bride in a wedding dress and a will-be mother. Photography is Only One that I love.
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