eManna, what is it? Manna actually means “what is it?” in Hebrew. It was bread from heaven that sustained and transformed the Israelites while they journeyed through the wilderness more than 3000 years ago. Manna was small, round, and pearly white in appearance coming every day as fresh as the morning dew. The taste was that of a wafer with honey and fresh oil. It was eaten and enjoyed every day for 40 years until the children of Israel entered to possess the “good land.”
Today, the living Word of God is our manna. The Bible reveals God, Christ, man, the past and the future, but above all the Bible conveys the very life and Spirit of God. When we open ourselves to its speaking and revelation, it is the seed of life that enlivens, refreshes, strengthens and transforms our inward being.
God wants to enter into man's spirit, to become his content and his satisfaction. This is the purpose of human existence! You are not merely created to contain food in your stomach, or to contain knowledge in your mind, but you are created to contain God in your spirit. It is just by eating the "manna", the very word of God.
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