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Zoe Mei is a lodging, located at Boracay Batcave Beach Rd, Malay, Aklan, Philippines

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
Boracay Batcave Beach Rd, Malay, Aklan

Added by Jopie, at 07 March 2013

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2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    17 February 2018

    해변이 80계단 내려가는 수고를 해야하지만 해변이 복잡하지 않고 운치있고 모래가 곱다
    80 step to reach beach (about 70 m) but you can meet fantastic beach
    직원들이 친절하다.
    staff very kind
    하루에 3번 디몰 무료 셔틀을 운영한다
    free schedule van 3 times per day
    무료 픽업 서비스를 해준다
    free pick up service
    조식이 아주 간단하다 그러나 커피맛은 좋았다.
    simple breakfast but nice coffee
    객실 청소상태는 별로이다
    Not clean room status
    저렴한 가격에 멋진 해변을 조용히 즐기려는 사람에게 적합한 호텔이다
    good for enjoy nice and calm beach with cheap price
    H빔 및 내진 설계를 해서 지진에 끄떡없다고 주인장이 자랑한다
    safe against earthquakes
    좀 오래되서 보수가 필요해 보였다
    too old. need to repair

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  • Anynomous
    14 March 2013

    We recently stayed at Zoe Mei in Boracay Islands. There were 12 of us and because the resort was full since it was Chinese New Year so we had to stay at a dormitory style accommodation. The room can actually accommodate 15 so there was plenty of space for us. The resort is very clean, the airconditioning unit including the presence of ceiling fans are sufficient to make us comfortable. Dining areas are clean and foods for both Filipinos and foreigners are available.The beach is very private and accessible by taking 80 steps down. Watch the sunrise while walking in the beach is awesome or take an early morning or afternoon swim is so refreshing. Shuttle is available daily between the resort and D'mall for shops and restaurants. Karoake and dancing are available within the resort. Lastly accommodation is very reasonable. Suffice to say our group had a ball during our stay at Zoe Mei.

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