The church that cares and loves people towards the GREAT COMMISSION for GOD's glory. . [read more]
We are a movement of destiny, united in purpose and mission. . [read more]
Welcome to the OFFICIAL MCM Church Facebook Page! SERVICE SCHEDULE: Friday Funday(Youth) 5pm-6:30pm Saturday Prayer 5pm-6pm Sunday Worship 8:30am-10:30am. [read more]
God's Family Fellowship has 2 Services every Sunday: 7am-9am and 9:15am-10:30am. [read more]
Full Gospel, non-denominational, family friendly local church on the campus of www. facebook. com/Rhema. Philippines. Tagalog/English language services. [read more]
James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. [read more]
JESUS The KING of Survivor Church International Ministry, INC. . [read more]
The Good Shepherd International Missions, Inc. is a body of JESUS CHRIST, being moved by the power of the Holy Spirit, willing and able to selflessly care, serve, and share the Word of God.. [read more]
Matt. 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". [read more]
" Worship God, Care People To Make DISCIPLES " visit us at http://icbctarlac. weebly. com. [read more]
JESUS SAVES! (Acts 4:12). "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. [read more]
This pages is for Villa Grace Daehan Jesam Church. this is official pages. from Villa Aglipay San Jose Tarlac. . [read more]
Schedule of Services: Sunday 1st service 8:30 a. m - 11:30 a. m 2nd Service 1:00 p. m - 3:00 p. m at San Vicente, Tarlac City. . [read more]
Come to Jesus Church is a church, located at 2300 Balibago Primero, Tarlac. [read more]
This is the official Facebook fan page The Divine Mercy Mission in Brgy. San Manuel, Tarlac City, Tarlac. [read more]
A church built with prayers and faith of people who dearly loves the Lord Jesus. . [read more]
Sunday 9:00 -12:00 am (Divine Service) Friday 7:00- 9:00 pm (Youth Service) Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm (Prayer Meeting). [read more]
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. . [read more]
Can be found at Mt. Resurrection Eco Park, Brgy. Lubigan,San Jose, Tarlac. Share to your FB friends so that they will be one with you in praising God. [read more]
the school that produces an extra ordinary child out of the ordinary. [read more]
We are a Christ-centered, Bible-based local church. Our mission is to preach the gospel of His grace to all and see lives transformed by His love. . [read more]
Administrator (Late Pastor Jessie Briones) Ptr. Allan Madiz Located at Sitio Proper Brgy. San Rafael Tarlac City contact no. 09228264237. [read more]
Vessels of Grace Church is a Christian movement that is dedicated to love God, love people, share Jesus and make disciples in Tarlac city and beyond. . [read more]
Everyone are welcome God is Good all the time. . [read more]
SUNDAY SERVICE ( 8 am - 10:30 am) MORNING DEVOTION ( 5am - 6 am) (Mon,Tue,Wed,Fri, and Interchurch Joint Morning Devotion every Saturday) YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. [read more]
Everyone is Welcome to Attend and Visit in our Church, here in Capas, Tarlac. (Mark 16:15 ). [read more]
If anyone is in Christ is now a New Creation; the Old has gone, the New has Come. -2 Corinthians 5:17. [read more]
A Born Again Christian church based in Capas, Tarlac, Philippines. . [read more]
King James Version 1611 AV "Jesus Christ is our Savior" not Religion. . [read more]
To bring pupils/students/families into a right relationship with Him. . [read more]
We are a Christian Church We are a Holiness Church We are a Missional Church. [read more]
A group of Bible-believing Christians who honors God and fulfills His purpose through discipleship because we're redeemed through Jesus Christ!. [read more]
PACESETTERS is the Youth Ministry of Living Streams Church Tarlac and Victoria. YOUTH SERVICE LSC Tarlac | Fridays 5:30 pm LSC Victoria | Fridays 4:30 pm. [read more]
"Faithful Servants never retire. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving GOD. ". [read more]
We, the KJV 1611 Bible Believers Baptist Church members, stand for the truth of the Word of God, The King James Bible - Authorized Version of 1611. . [read more]
WELCOME TO FSY! The world BIGGEST Conferences is now HERE and AROUND for Mabalacat and Tarlac Stake! Let's START to SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS!. [read more]