Ephesian 5: 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. [read more]
San Sebastian Cathedral, Tarlac City is a church, located at F. Tanedo St. Tarlac City, 2300 Tarlac, Tarlac. [read more]
CCMI is mandated to fulfill the great commission "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them.. [read more]
The official Facebook Page of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, San Vicente, Tarlac City. [read more]
The HOUSE OF FELLOWSHIP A CHRIST-CENTERED was established in the Front of Mayantoc High School on the Month of March, by the HELP of GOD and his GRACE. [read more]
Rev. Roderick N. Magno Address: sto. domingo 2nd Caapas Tarlac,Philppines. [read more]
We are ordinary Young people who strive hard to inspire, bless and spread hope to those in need. We are the ordinary Young people CALLED BY GOD. . [read more]
The Official Fan Page for PICC Mayantoc Local or International Member. [read more]
"We love because he first loved us. ". [read more]
A church that love souls. . [read more]
Greetings! Our page aims to spread the word of God and share whatever gift God has given us to glorify His name. Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for.. [read more]
"This is a page created intended to share how God win the Balaoang Youth, to get in touched and encourage especially the Young People to be more passionate in worshiping and serving the Lord. [read more]
The JIL Camiling Church Chapter is located at crossing Malacampa, Camiling, Tarlac. [read more]
“. . . to proclaim to you the whole will of God. ” - Acts 20:27. [read more]
Newlife Media is a non-profit ministry that uses Social Media to share the Gospel more. [read more]
Mga Kabataang Tinawag upang Maglingkod sa Dambana ni Sta. Teresita ng Batang si Hesus. [read more]
God is good all the time! Bless and encourage others by sharing your life-changing testimonies here: https://goo. gl/uUL4yh we will post in this page. [read more]
Encouraging and Inspiring all christians in the world to like,join,post and shares the "Word of God" that can motivates and enlightened people. . [read more]
The Lord's Family Foundation (TLF) is dedicated to the service of the underprivileged and indigenous people of Tarlac. . [read more]
Church: Jesus Immanuel Ministry Across the Land Inc. Non-sectarian full gospel church. [read more]
Young People of Church of God - Capas who are ready to Connect, Commit and Minister to others. . [read more]
A community of people who Glorifies God, Live a godly life and Lead others to Christ. . [read more]
Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker. -Psalms 95:6. [read more]
Modern Warriors PH is a facebook page created and projected by Youth in line with the sharing of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and his church here on earth. [read more]
Blessed Church is located at Coral-Pance Road, Ramos, Tarlac, Philippines. . . [read more]
Please visit us for all your baking needs. . . We are located in front of San Nicholas Parish Church. . . . [read more]
a church of Victory planted in San Antonio, Zambales that will seek to "Honor God Make Disciples. ". [read more]
Bethel UMC started in 1909. It is under of The United Methodist Church and belong to Tarlac Philippines Annual Conference in South Tarlac District. . [read more]
“Though the path is plain and smooth for men of good will, he who walks it will not travel far, and will do so only with difficulty, if he does not have good feet: that is, courage and.. [read more]
Our Neighbors. Our Hearts. Our Thoughts. Our Prayers. Do Good and stay in love with God. . [read more]
Binmaley Pangasinan. [read more]
This is the official page of HOPE in JESUS City Church. Bringing new seeds of HOPE to the city! Please click LIKE to stay updated with the latest events. [read more]
Every Nation Campus is a global campus organization that empowers students for LIFE—Leadership, Integrity, Faith, and Excellence. . [read more]
St. Jude Thaddeus Chapel Zone C San Miguel Tarlac City is a church, located at 2nd Ave, 2301 Tarlac, Tarlac. [read more]
Worship service Prayer meeting Bible study Youth fellowship Children's feeding program. [read more]
The PARISH YOUTH MINISTRY is a religious organization that carries out young people to involve and to deepen youth fellowship and communion. . [read more]