Heyyy! Do you love makeup? Have a knack for design? Want to be exposed in the highly creative industry of cosmetics? Well then, we want you! We are looking for the following:
Interested? Join us now ! Send us your resume at hr@sprintasiabeauty.com
See you at Hair Asia's 28th National Open Championship for Hair styling and Makeup Competition this March 20 at the World Trade Center, Pasay. Don't forget to drop by at our booth to get huge discounts on your favorite brands!
We're hiring, join our team!
Email your resumes to: hr@sprintasiabeauty.com :)
See you at Hair Asia's 28th National Open Championship for Hair styling and Makeup Competition this coming November 21(Tuesday) at the World Trade Center, Pasay. Don't forget to drop by at our booth to get huge discounts on your favorite brands!
See you at Hair Asia's 28th National Open Championship for Hair styling and Makeup Competition this November 21 at the World Trade Center, Pasay. Don't forget to drop by at our booth to get huge discounts on your favorite brands!
See you at Hair Asia's 27th National Open Championship for Hairstyling and Makeup Competition this coming Tuesday, March 21 at the World Trade Center, Pasay. Don't forget to drop by at our booth to get huge discounts on our brands. #HairAsia2017
Heyyy! Do you love makeup? Have a knack for design? Want to be exposed in the highly creative industry of cosmetics? Well then, we want you! We are looking for the following:
Interested? Join us now ! Send us your resume at hr@sprintasiabeauty.com
All aboard for Hair Asia's Salon Spectacular 2016! Get ready for exclusive discounts on your favorite Sprint Asia brands on November 15 at World Trade Center. See you there! #orlyph #orlynails #wetnwildph #wnwph #lacolorsph #lacph #beautyblenderph #temptuph #temptu #spaorganics #evoludermph #welcometomakeupworld #makeupworldph #depileve #sorise #zuca #hairasia2016
See you on November 15 at the World Trade Center as we join Hair Asia 2016! get ready for exclusive discounts only on the event! #orlyph #depileveph #agaveph #spaorganicsph #temptuph #beautyblenderph #wnwph #lacolorsph #makeupworldph #hairasia2016
Think Pink! Join us and help make a difference in the lives of breast cancer patients and families.
Get 10% off on participating items from ORLY Philippines, Wet n Wild Philippines, La Colors Philippines and Beautyblender Philippines in all Purebeauty stores. Part of the sales will be donated to ICanServe Foundation, Inc.
Pamper yourself with our organic spa treatment range. Soothingly calms the skin to reduce stress and tension for the ultimate aromatherapy experience. #BCL #SpaOrganics
HAPPENING NOW: At Barangay Mayamot, Antipolo City for "Kumita sa pagiging manicurita", a livelihood program by Sprint Asia Beauty in partnership with Rotary Club of Quirino Manila Central and Rotary Club of Lubang Island. #SprintAsiaBeauty #wetnwildph #wetnwild #wnwph #OrlyPh #Orly #LAColorsPh #lacolors #lacph
We're looking for young individuals who are creative, motivated and with an undying love for nail care and cosmetics!
Interested? Send us your resume at hr@sprintasiabeauty.com
WE'RE HIRING! Interested applicants may send their resume at jobs@sprintasiabeauty.com.