A place of god jesus christ. Sr. San Narsiso a church that will give you the answer of your lonely prayer. Amen
Main church of consolascion cebu not too crowded during masses..
A beautiful and peaceful place to live in
San Narciso Parish Church of Consolacion is readily accessible to public transport. It is located along the North Highway. Sunday mass schedule: 4:30Am, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30AM (with Baptism rites); 1:30PM & 2:30Pm (burial masses), 3:30 (children's mass), 4:30PM, 6:00PM, 7:30PM.
The church is nice except for the parking area
Clean beautiful church easy access when you pass by do visit.
Along the highway.. infront of municipal govt building
may ask if someone knows what are the requirements for baptism?
Catholic church at poblacion occidental consolacion. Officiate masses, weddings, baptismals etc.
I hail from Lapu-lapu City but because my office address was recently moved to Consolacion, there were times in the past where I hear the Sunday masses at the San Narciso Parish Church in Consolacion, Cebu.
One Sunday afternoon inside the church, an old woman wearing a vest with the word "usherette" printed at the back, approached a couple seated right behind me and my wife. She scolded the couple for allowing their child to loiter around while the mass is in progress. I would like to emphasize that the old woman did her reprimand in the middle of the celebration. I understood her supposedly good purpose but the way she approached the couple is unthinkable. Then I heard the husband talked to his wife, "makasala man lang ta ining tiguwanga!”
The next Sunday, August 06, 2017, I brought my wife, daughter and granddaughter to the same church. My wife chose the seats nearest to the door because there are times when my granddaughter is fussy. When that situation comes, my wife usually brings the child outside the church at once as not to disrupt the celebration and not to disturb the other faithful. My wife happened to choose those 6 monoblock chairs arranged side by side near to the left side entrance/exit of the church. Then the mass began. All of a sudden, the same old woman wearing a vest appeared and rebuked us not to seat ourselves near the entrance that might block the way. She was so arrogant as she projects herself to the crowd her authority. Until now, I could imagine the image of that old woman and I could imagine her actuation as similar to what the Pharisees did during the time of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please note that those chairs were already there in the very same arrangement where we found them and were probably sat upon by church goers attending the earlier mass schedule. The question is why did the usherette in the previous mass allowed those people to sit there? And why is this old woman display her arrogance in the middle of the mass? Why didn't she stop us from sitting on those chairs before the mass started? Is talking casually to the churchgoers while the mass is going on more important and acceptable than to preserve the solemnity of the celebration? Why not putting those instructions or church rules and policies in writing and to display them prominently on the concerned areas as to guide the church goers properly? Why not announcing it using the church's public address system before the start of each mass?
Human as I am, I admit that I myself am a sinner. Despite this fact, I still try my best to bring myself and my family back to our Creator's fold. But the actuation of this church's usherette seemed to push me to choose evil. History tells us that what drove Martin Luther to Protestantism are the wrongdoings committed by the Catholics. One of the reasons why some of our brothers and sisters shifted to other religion is because of the bad things practiced by some pretentious Catholics.
I was once an OFW based in Brunei Darussalam. We all knew that Brunei is an Islamic state. But let me tell you that masses are allowed to be celebrated in Catholic churches there. We were all welcomed in any Catholic churches there and I believe that I didn't deserve to be treated the way an usherette in Consolacion did just because I am an outsider of that church.
My wife used to work in a company situated in Tabok, Mandaue City. One of her supervisors came from Bogo City but was able to acquire a housing unit in Consolacion. Thus he transferred his permanent residency in Consolacion. Strange thing is that he and his family hear their Sunday masses at the Fatima Parish church in Basak, Mandaue City. Now that I experience such 2 bad incidents in Consolacion church, my puzzlement for his actions was answered.
Was disappointed with how the baptism of my baby turned out. It was meant to be a"special ceremony" as it was held on Saturday and I paid 1500 for the baptism, let alone additional charge for the godparents. It was held in the back portion of the church which looks like an old storage area. I couldn't emphasize more of how rugged and unkempt it looked. The priest was extremely in a hurry as he had another mass, actually a wedding to officiate, right after the baptism. I pity my daughtee so much at that time because she doesn't deserve that kind of ceremony. It has no element of solemnity at all. It lasted for more or less 5 mins. Because the priest was in a hurry, we couldn't get what he was reading or saying. During the pre-jordan seminar, we were told the sacrament of baptism only happens once. Yes, i am happy that my baby is now a Christian but I would definitely organise a proper Baptism ceremony for her in another place at another time. To all parents who are thinking of having their babies baptised in this church, please avoid the so called "special bunyag" because apart from the high amount being charged, it is just disheartening being baptised that way. Thank you.
I'm church sometimes in SunDAy