Name:Melrose Dianne CanteenAmenity:RestaurantCuisine:Filipino Foods. [read more]
Name:R. Ramirez StoreShop:Convenience. [read more]
Name:JGT-Asia Electronics & Gen MechandiseShop:Radiotechnics. [read more]
Name:Express Pay E-Business Center. [read more]
Name:Pangasinan Marketing General Merchandize Glassware & Plastic. [read more]
Name:Five-Star CommercialShop:Clothes. [read more]
Name:Greg's Bargain House (Baclaran RTW)Shop:Clothes. [read more]
Name:TV (Direct From Korea/American Standard/Auto Volts)Shop:Electronics. [read more]
Name:New Life In Christ Foursquare ChurchAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:Christian. [read more]
Name:Dagupan VDS Commercial Gen Merchanddise. [read more]
Name:Chris Hardware & Gen. MerchandiseShop:Hardware. [read more]
Name:Pong's PharmacyAmenity:Pharmacy. [read more]
Name:Galatians Medical Supplies And ServicesShop:Medical Supply. [read more]
Name:Farmacia UrdujaAmenity:Pharmacy. [read more]
Name:St. Vincent DrugstoreAmenity:Pharmacy. [read more]
Name:Dagupan City Police Station And Police Community Precint IIIAmenity:Police. [read more]
Name:Skin Clinic / Psoriasis Clinic (Dr. Iris Gomez-Oliva)Amenity:Clinic. [read more]
Name:Arturo's Special LechonAmenity:Fast FoodCuisine:Lechon (Roasted Pig). [read more]
Name:DeVera Cariño Optical And Contact LensClinicAmenity:Clinic. [read more]
Name:ED's M. B. CanteenAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:VJ COM. NET Internet CafeShop:Computer. [read more]
Name:Iceland Water Refilling StationShop:Water. [read more]
Name:ECG Muxcle Flex GymLeisure:Sports CentreA sports centre is a distinct facility where sports take place within an enclosed area. . [read more]
Name:Ark@di@Shop:Computer. [read more]
Name:Stop 1Amenity:BenchName En:Stop 1. [read more]
Name:StoppingAmenity:BenchName En:Stopping. [read more]
Name:JG's StoreAmenity:Fast FoodName En:JG's StoreAddr Street:San Quintin - TayugAddr Postcode:2445Opening Hours:Mo-Su 06:00-20:45. [read more]
Name:RM Beer GardenAmenity:Bar. [read more]
Name:Tempra GuiiigPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Longos CentralPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Nibaliw NarvatePlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Roadmaster Metal CraftShop:Car RepairName En:Roadmaster Metal CraftAddr Street:MacArthur HighwayAddr Postcode:2428Opening Hours:Mo-Sa 08:00-17:00Internet Access:WlanAddr Housenumber:449. [read more]
Name:Lasip BoquigPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Nibaliw BeachPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:CaliitPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Amangonan-Parac ParacPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]