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Pacific Admiralty Maritime & Surveyors Services is a company, located at 1214 Ocampo Street, Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines. Visit their website www.admiraltypacific.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

AMS operates in the shipping, oil & gas, and renewable sectors, providing loss prevention (marine surveys, inspections & audits, s&p, dry-dock, offshore companies support, mooring chain, anchors, technical due diligence), and marine engineering consultancy services.The global network of surveyors of our maritime consulting firms has the technical skills, dedication, and tools to achieve the precision, accuracy, and results in you need - wherever in the world you may be - to save money and time.At PAMS we can assure you that we will meet and exceed your expectations. Our effective and certified system as per ISO 9001:2015 allows us to maintain the persistent quality of provided services and the required integrity and confidentiality that institutionally shields our mission.Pacific Admiralty Maritime Services is headquartered and in Management in the Philippines.Our corresponding offices are based inAustralia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Croatia, Costa Rica, China, France, Greece, Indonesia, India, Italy, Japan, Korea Republic, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, and Vietnam.

Tags : #ManagementConsulting

Location :
1214 Ocampo Street, Pasay, Metro Manila
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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