coppermask kills 99. 9 % of virus like covid 19. [read more]
A fruit tree is a tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by humans and some animals — all trees that are flowering plants produce fruit, which are the ripened ovaries of flowers.. [read more]
Shy Street Kitchen serves some unique and inspired nom-noms and yum-yums for your tum-tums. We make some great, delicious food, that's it :). [read more]
Delivering Satisfaction right to your doorstep. . [read more]
Jhoyie Ace Mobile Photography, located at San Jose, Mimaropa, 5100 San Jose. They can be contacted via phone at +639358985103 for more detailed information. [read more]
We Capture Moments and Create Memories. [read more]
𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒖𝒔. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 & 𝑮𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 �. [read more]
This page is to inspire and motivate to face any problems in you"re life. . [read more]
"The best batangas lomi in town". [read more]
100%Handmade 100%Good Quallity cotton shirt 100%Quallity Materials use 100%Smooth and Comfy. [read more]
The #UNILEVER opportunity network MARKETING. OFF. [read more]
Para sa lahat ng mga brokenhearted!. [read more]
Cheekythings is a lifestyle Photography service and a sister company of Pag-ibig Studios that focuses on children related events. . [read more]
Air-conditioning Supply and Services. . [read more]
Chicken wings. [read more]
Phil Carestia Art, located at Sablayan, Mimaropa, 5104 Sablayan. [read more]
Freshly Home-Baked Goods and Korean BBQ Grill. [read more]
Electrical/Mechanical/Airconditioning/Fabrication/Transportation & general services. [read more]
Music and sport. [read more]
We buy and we sell all items and also lpg gas for sale in angono binangonan taytay rizal area only. [read more]
Offers; Medicine Care Grooming Accessories Cosmetic (Personal Hygiene) Dog Foods Nail Arts "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. [read more]
We sell diffirent flowering plants, Indoor and outdoor plants, seedling pots etc. . [read more]
E-load dealer and franchising. And selling IDEAL product like ideal kojic soap,ideal light brown coffee,slimming coffee and ideal glutataion capsule. . [read more]
Palayok ni Jing Restaurant and Catering Services, located at Dangeros,Buenavista, Sablayan. [read more]
Freshly baked, especially for YOU! we are selling baked goods like coconut macaroons, cheese muffin and chocolate muffin. More choices coming soon. . [read more]
Our business is to provide freshly harvest dragon fruit to the market. Helping our community to support local produce and to provide healthy food to people. [read more]
Our Mission To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs. [read more]
Monitor production of crops and farm gate prices and prevailing market prices. (including crops and fish prices in talipapa, etc. ). [read more]
We are selling Motorcycle parts, Bicycle parts, Accessories, and Native products. We are located at Zone 6 #46 Poblacion Abra de Ilog Occidental Mindoro. [read more]
Tarpaulin, t-shirt, mugs, layout, invitations, flyers, streamer, posters, sticker decals. [read more]
We are a Legit Distributor of Stefisentials and we are here to give you the best that we can in improving your skin. . [read more]
Hi Guys my name is Seth and I'm a 14 years old boy who loves to play games especially First person shooter and Skyrim. [read more]
ミンドロ島(ミンドロとう、Mindoro)はフィリピンで7番目に大きな島であり、面積は9,735km'''。地理ルソン島とはベルデ島水路をはさみ南西に位置し、パラワン島とはミンドロ海峡をはさみ北東に、パナイ島とはセミララ諸島をはさんで北西に位置し、西は南シナ海、東に内海・シブヤン海がある。歴史古代中国の商人には(Ma-IまたはMait、摩逸)と呼ばれていた。スペイン人にはミナ・デ・オーロ( Mina de Oro、意味は金鉱)と呼ばれ、これが現在の名前のもとになった。太平洋戦争中は日本軍が占領していたが、1944年12月15日にアメリカ軍はルソン島奪回の足がかりにミンドロ島へ上陸を敢行、島は戦場と化した。海軍は上陸した米軍に打撃を与えるべく礼号作戦を実施、マンガリン湾に7隻の挺身部隊を突入させ米軍に被害を与え離脱した。これは太平洋戦争における日本軍最後の勝利となったが、戦況に大きな影響はなく、ミンドロ島の日本軍は山岳部に敗走し、飢餓と疫病、地元ゲリラとの戦闘で多くが死亡した。大岡昇平はミンドロ島で捕虜となり後にこの島を舞台とした数々の戦記小説を書いているほか、1956年になってもミンドロ島からは4人の残留日本兵が帰国している。行政区分以前(1921年から1950年)は全島がひとつの州であった。現在はオクシデンタル・ミンドロ州とオリエンタル・ミンドロ州の二つの州に分けられている。二つの州を分けているのは、標高2,500mを超える山脈であり、島は全体に山がちであり特に西部のオクシデンタル・ミンドロの交通は不便である。島の北西沖にはカラヴィテ水路をはさんでルバング島など幾つかの島からなるルバング諸島が点在する。. [read more]
I am so much grateful and thankful that I got to know INTRA Lifestyles which faves the way to help numerous people to ease the pains and aches from different diseases and illnesses they are suffering. [read more]
my homemade frozen delights are now available. For order contact 09496122164/ DM or PM. [read more]
Hello there !! I create Streaming overlays, transition effects for videos for streamers. I also make a gaming logo but it's not that good, I focus on the after effects and overlay for your stream. [read more]