Office for the Senior Citizens Affairs Dumaguete City is a police, located at Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Poblacion VII Barangay Hall is a police, located at Cervantes Street, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Bais City Philippine National Police Office is a police, located at Dumaguete North Road, Bais City, Central Visayas, 6206. [read more]
Public Employment Service Office Sta Catalina is a police, located at Santa Catalina, Central Visayas, 6220. [read more]
Cabugan Barangay Hall is a police, located at Bindoy, Central Visayas, 6209. [read more]
Purok Balatong Tanod Outpost is a police, located at Pamplona, Central Visayas, 6205. [read more]
Bindoy Public Assistance Center is a police, located at Dumaguete North Road, Bindoy, Central Visayas, 6209. [read more]
Bajumpandan Barangay Police Outpost is a police, located at Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
La Libertad Police Station is a police, located at La Libertad, Central Visayas, 6213. [read more]
Barangay Looc Material Recovery Facility is a police, located at Rizal Avenue, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Cantupa Barangay Health Worker and Barangay Police Service Officer Outpost is a police, located at Dumaguete North Road, La Libertad, Central Visayas, 6213. [read more]
Tourist Police Assistance Desk is a police, located at Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Poblacion I Barangay Police Outpost is a police, located at Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Department of Trade and Industry Negros Orriental Provincial Office is a police, located at San Jose Street, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Mabinay Police Station is a police, located at Bais-Kabankalan Road, Mabinay, Central Visayas, 6207. [read more]
Barangay Obogon Police Office is a police, located at Santa Catalina-Pamplona-Tanjay Road, Tanjay City, Central Visayas, 6204. [read more]
Negosyo Center San Jose Dumaguete Branch is a police, located at San Jose Street, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Bacong Police Station is a police, located at Bacong, Central Visayas, 6216. [read more]
Philippine National Police Manjuyod is a police, located at Dumaguete North Road, Manjuyod, Central Visayas, 6208. [read more]
Tayasan Police Station is a police, located at Bokingkito Street, Tayasan, Central Visayas, 6211. [read more]
Bayawan City Police Station is a police, located at S. Martinez Street, Bayawan City, Central Visayas, 6221. [read more]
Bagacay Health Station is a police, located at Jose Romero Road, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Pamplona Evacuation Center is a police, located at Pamplona, Central Visayas, 6205. [read more]
Tanjay City National Police Station is a police, located at Rizal Street, Tanjay City, Central Visayas, 6204. [read more]
Philippine National Police Office Jimalalud is a police, located at Dumaguete North Road, Jimalalud, Central Visayas, 6212. [read more]
Tanod Outpost Barangay Obogon is a police, located at Santa Catalina-Pamplona-Tanjay Road, Tanjay City, Central Visayas, 6204. [read more]
Banilad Health Center is a police, located at Santo Niño Road, Dumaguete City, Central Visayas, 6200. [read more]
Восточный Негрос — провинция Филиппинской республики на острове Негрос. Граничит на суше с провинцией Западный Негрос, а на востоке омывается водами пролива Таньон, которым отделена от острова Себу. [read more]
동네그로스 주는 필리핀 네그로스 섬 지방에 속한 주로 주도는 두마게테이며 인구는 1,231,904명(2007년 기준), 면적은 5,385. 5㎢이다. 네그로스 섬 남동부를 차지한다. 북서쪽으로는 서네그로스 주, 동쪽으로는 세부 주와 접하며 남동쪽으로는 시키호르 주, 남쪽으로는 북삼보앙가 주와 인접해 있다. [read more]
Negros Oriental è una delle due province filippine in cui è amministrativaente divisa l'isola di Negros, di cui occupa la metà orientale. Il suo capoluogo è Dumaguete. [read more]
Welcome to Bais City Police Station official facebook account Headed by PCI TIMMAR JOMIO ALAM Chief of Police. [read more]
Vallehermoso PNP is one of the Police Station under Negros Oriental Provincial Police Office. . [read more]
東ネグロス州(Province of Negros Oriental)は、フィリピンの中部ビサヤ地方(Central Visayas,.. [read more]
"The Sibulan Police Station is dedicated to serve and protect the entire Municipality of Sibulan". [read more]
Philippine National Police in Dumaguete City. [read more]