Company Vision and Mission
By 2050, Mommy’s Best is an integrated eco-friendly agri-production company and a dedicated provider of healthy, natural and nutritious foods from our farms to homes at an affordable value with commitment to continually improve our products and services as well as nurture the country’s all-natures-native livestock and foods.
Mommy’s Best to contribute to the countryside development, institute sustainable mechanism of support to our hero-farmers and agri-tech scholars, and truthfully serve at best our partners-customers.
Company Core Values
We Value Our People, Our Product,
Our Service and Our Customers
We lead by example.
We love our people.
We train, equip and empower our people using Vision, Instruction and planning (VIP), Get-together Hour (GT Hour), and power meetings (PM).
We serve our team and our customers.
We encourage members in tough times.
We treat our team with honor and respect.
We never abandon our teammates.
We tell the truth
We encourage other to be honest.
We choose not to cheat and steal.
We admit if we are wrong.
We do the right thing even when no one is watching
We choose our action based on values rather than our personal gain.
We set goals
We face problems heads on
We are never discouraged
We do what it takes to achieve our goals
We focus on our People, Operations and Strategy
People - The caring of management, shareholders, employees, customers, with all being our partners. We see to it that no one is left out. We attend to their needs because we exist to serve and support each other.
Operations –All functions are part of an organized system. We make sure that all our products are clean and in its highest quality. We want to serve people the best because that is what they deserved.
Strategy –All plans and strategies we make are implemented to provide everyone Healthy, Natural & Nutritious Foods.
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