Mansion's Minimart is categorized under Convenience Stores. It is an homey family-run business that serves as community hub. Our store is located in Mandaluyong Executive Mansion 3 (Cityland) Unit 104 G Enriquez Street, Barangay Vergara, City of Mandaluyong. The store starts to operate in October 31, 2011 from 6AM - 2AM.
Basically, a minimart has what you would expect - drinks, snacks and the like. We cater phone grocery worth 200 pesos. For our customer's convenience, we refill-deliver water (AQUABEST and CRYSTAL CLEAR brand) to their respective condo units.
As we grow, we want to grow right. However, in order to achieve this, we will continuously work and formulate ideas in order to provide a quality service to all our Value Customers. We will strive hard to surpass the good service we have had offerred to all our customers the previous year.
We, the Mansion's Minimart Management, would like to say THANK YOU for your continued patronage..
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