It is a world-wide organization of Catholics, men and woman who offer their services to their pastor to aid him in performing spiritual works in the parish. This is done placing themselves under the banner of Mary so that with her help they may develop greater holiness in their own lives through constant prayer and apostolate works for others.
» September 7,1921 - The first meeting was held in Dublin, Ireland. On this date and from this beginning the Legion has spread through every country in the world.
» July 21,1940 - The foundation of the Legion of Mary in the Philippines
» 1978 - The first curia, was established in Novaliches. Our Lady of Mercy Curia
1.The personal sanctification of its members who, taking Mary as their model, endeavor to imitate her virtues, specially her Faith, Charity and Humility.
2.The spread of devotion to Mary; primarily by encouraging the recitation of the rosary (Mary’s request the Fatima).
3. The performance of apostolic work under the direction of the Spiritual Director of the parish unit of the Legion.
Active membership is open to all Catholic men and women those over 18 years of age in Senior Praesidia, and those under 18 in Junior Praesidia.
REASON FOR BECOMING AN ACTIVE MEMBER******************************
1. To satisfy the individual’s obligation incurred through the sacrament of Confirmation, to fulfill his duty as a soldier of Christ.
2. The group apostolic of Christian believer happily corresponds to a human and Christian need and at the same time signifies the communion and unity of the Church in Christ. For this reason the faithful should participate in the apostolate by way of united effort.
3. The laity derive the right and duty to the apostolate from their union with Christ, the Head; incorporated into Christ’s mystical body through Baptism and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation, they are assigned to the apostolate by the Lord Himself.
ADVANTAGES OF BEING AN ACTIVE MEMBER******************************
1. The assurance that one is putting forth his best effort in developing his own spiritual life.
2. The knowledge that one is furthering the cause of Christ and His Blessed Mother.
3. The feeling that one is making a worthwhile investment of his time on earth by “laying up treasures in heaven where neither rust nor moths consume nor thieves break in to steal.”
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