seedling for aquascaping? soon!
my solar powered waterpump for fishpond(testing without strong sunlight)
no battery
(SOLD) drift wood (hard wood) ready na gamiton di na mupula ang tubig submerge for almost 2months na gipabukalan ug 4hrs
pm sa interesado
sold to jayson aldiano 2 shubon 1 red cap 2 oranda 1 calico 8 black moscow 50 marble mollies
fs: 1 orange oranda 5" male 1 orange white oranda 3 to 4" female 2 shubon kin 4 and 3" 2 red cap 2 to 3" 1 calico 2 to 3"
pakage deal!..
RFS: upgrade ponds
pm for aure buyers meetup or pickup