فرودگاه کوایان یک فرودگاه همگانی با کد یاتا CYZ است. این فرودگاه در کشور فیلیپین قرار دارد و در ارتفاع ۶۱ متری از سطح دریا واقع شدهاست. . [read more]
Tras una breve est,,Jaume Creixell Barnada (n. 11 de julio de 1942 en Barcelona, España), apodado como "el tigre Creixell",1 2 es un ex entrenador de fútb. [read more]
Palanan Airport is a community airport in the Philippines located in the Pacific coastal town of Palanan, Isabela. It is one of the two community airports in the province, the other being.. [read more]
Salute to our Soldier. Camp Melchor de la Cruz is the 5th Infantry Division of Arms Forces of the Philippines. [read more]
It's a small airport only for domestic routes. Apparently, it's runway can accommodate only turboprop airplanes. With few flight schedules for small planes,this airport hence, doesn't seem to.. [read more]