Tabuan-Lasa ist eine philippinische Stadtgemeinde in der Provinz Basilan, die am 29. März 2008 aus zwölf Baranggays die zuvor zur Stadtgemeinde Sumisip gehört haben gegründet wurde. [read more]
Jollibee, Isabela City Basilan is a restaurant, located at 7300 Isabela, Basilan. They can be contacted via phone at 09265352576 for more detailed information. [read more]
Северная Замбоанга — провинция Филиппин на полуострове Замбоанга на острове Минданао... [read more]
북삼보앙가 주는 필리핀 민다나오 섬에 있는 지방인 삼보앙가 반도 지방에 속한 주로 주도는 디폴로그이며 인구는 907,238명(2007년 기준), 면적은 7,301. 0㎢이다. 남쪽으로는 남삼보앙가 주와 삼보앙가시부가이 주, 동쪽으로는 서미사미스 주와 접하며 북서쪽으로는 술루 해와 접한다. [read more]
Tabuan-Lasa, officially the '', is a of the Philippines in the province of in the of the Philippines. The population was at the. Tabuan-Lasa was created out of the 12 barangays of Sumisip that.. [read more]
Ungkaya Pukan est une municipalité de la province de Basilan, aux Philippines. BarangaysUngkaya Pukan compte 12 barangays : Amaloy Bohe-Pahuh Bohe-Suyak Cabangalan Danit Kamamburingan.. [read more]
a dose of Milk tea in the City. [read more]
Your one-stop shop for any printing/photocopy needs and other online services. . [read more]
Tech4ED is a project of the DICT that aims to harness ICT to bridge the digital divide and alleviate poverty in both urban and rural areas. . [read more]
97. 5 Radyo Komunidad, located at Isabela, Basilan. [read more]
This is used for Location only. Kindly visits Lo-ok Jambangan Hamie Beach and Home community. [read more]
Photo/video Editor / Game Developer / Page advertiser's. [read more]
Social Media Marketing and Advertising, Trainor, Automated Bot Creator. [read more]
バシラン島(Basilan)は、フィリピンの南東部、スールー諸島に位置する島。1,000平方km程の面積に、300,000人が住む。主な街はイサベラ市(人口73,032人)。周囲の小島とともにバシラン州を構成し、イサベラ市を除きイスラム教徒ミンダナオ自治地域(ARMM)に属する。主要な民族は(Yakan)・(Suluk/Tausug)・(Banguingui/Samal)などであり、農業や漁業・海上交易を営む。島の住民にはムスリムが多いが、一方で熱帯雨林や山間部を拠点にアブ・サヤフなどの過激派の活動もあるとされる。米軍・フィリピン軍との戦闘もしばしば起こっている。地理バシランはフィリピンを構成する7,107の島のひとつであり、フィリピン南部のミンダナオ島とマレーシア領のボルネオ島の間に連なる400ほどの島からなるスールー諸島の北部に位置する。スールー諸島は鳥たちの渡りの道であり、ボルネオからフィリピンへの人々の移動の道でもあった。ミンダナオ島の端に位置する港湾都市・サンボアンガ市とバシラン島の間はバシラン海峡で隔てられており、その幅は最も狭いところで17マイル(27km)ほどである。行政区分 Component Cities バシラン島北岸にはイサベラ市との二つの市がある。 Municipalities Akbar(2006年にTuburanから分離) Al-Barka(2006年にTipo-Tipoから分離) Hadji Mohammad Ajul(2006年にTuburanから分離) Hadji Muhtamad(2007年にLantawanから分離) Lantawan Maluso Sumisip Tabuan-Lasa(2008年にSumisipから分離) Tipo-Tipo Tuburan Ungkaya Pukan(2006年にTipo-Tipoから分離). [read more]
巴西兰岛(Basilan Island),是苏禄群岛最北一岛屿,东北与棉兰老岛隔巴西兰海峡相望,面积1248平方公里。该岛属棉兰老穆斯林自治区巴西兰省管辖,巴西兰省首府伊莎贝拉市即位于该岛。. [read more]
Kasanyangan Sika Tekkahanbi hap Sumisip!. [read more]
Baselco Main Office, located at Isabela, Basilan. [read more]
Joas Aguilar, located at Lower Baluran, 7007 Imelda, Zamboanga Sibugay. They can be contacted via phone at 09757051331 for more detailed information. . [read more]
all about Shopping!!���. [read more]
Zian Gaming Recreation, Inc. is the Authorized Agent Corporation awarded by PCSO for the Small Town Lottery (STL) operation for Basilan Province. . [read more]
We serve breakfast lunch and dinner, meriendas and others. Come and visit as few blocks away from BNHS SCHOOL. . [read more]
Booked. [read more]
Negosyo Center - Isabela City, located at 3rd Flr. , Infirmary Bldg. , City Hall Complex, 7300 Isabela, Basilan. [read more]
Henry's Lechon Manok has no franchise fee. You can start your lechon manok business at low price. Feel free to message us. Thank you. . [read more]
It's all about Muslimah Fashions, making all my sisters to be stunning and elegantly looking. . [read more]
28 Stages Water Filtration and Purification. [read more]
Our Company deals with Construction Materials that contains the high standard of quality and durability. . [read more]
Just PM me for ordering and discount request. Contact# 09179889563. [read more]
Real Establishment, Bar and Grill, Barbeque Restaurant, Business and Venue. [read more]
Masarap na BATCHOY Sa BUKID. [read more]
Its a family business owned n managed by Cipriano L DelasPeñas Sr. The first to distribute Gasul products in Basilan since the 70s(thru A. L. Gonzales & Sons. [read more]
The College of Nursing of the Hardam Furigay Colleges & Foundation Incorporated welcomes all the Nursing students especially the Freshmen to join this page. [read more]
Reshape the Economy into Digital Currency, AC Free international remittance, with AC your freedom. https://gourl. io/lwsaj. [read more]
An Affiliate of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI), MAP, ECOP and PhilExport. [read more]
Sitti Auna Riverland Resort Official Facebook Page. Bookings and Reservation, Fun Activities and Bulletin Board. [read more]
is an islamic school that provide academic excellence for all students in a safe and healthy environment following Islamic values. . [read more]