ATG SEALANDAIR Freight Forwarding Company Inc. is a company, located at 409 A. Soriano St. Intramuros, Manila, Metro Manila 1002, Philippines. Visit their website, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
A T G S E A L A N D A I R F r e i g h t F o r w a r d i n g C o m p a n y I n c .is a Philippine base Freight For warding company that is accredited by Securities and Exchange Commission and founded by a family with 30 years of experience in International Trade. Today we employ highly competent and knowledgeable in field of logistics that work full time for providing real-time monitoring of goods ATG SEAL ANDAIR Freight For warding Company Inc. has a network of partners and agents worldwide that ensure your Import and Export needs are met utilizing our knowledge with our global experience. Ournetwork aims to serve - both local and international market with end to end cargo freight and supply chain solutions tailored to fit to specific situations.These solutions are delivered to surpass the expectations of our customers with personalized, dedicated products and resource around the world and around the clock.Managed and staffed by a team with wide experience and expertise in the field of shipping and logistics cargo handling, we take pride to be known in the industry for a service with high reliability, fast yield, with friendly yet highly professionalized customer service. We put high regard in training our people to provide valuable service and assistance to our clients in this highly technical field of cargo handling, supply chain management & customs procedures. Our personnel are committed to provide the best service for the convenience of each customers so they can concentrate on the importantaspect of their business. We believe that our customer and their business is the core of our organization. We at ATG SEALANDAIR Freight Forwarding Company Inc, highly consider constant innovation, and upgrade, to surpass customers' expectations.
Tags : #ImportExport, #FreightForwarding, #CustomsClearance, #Cargo, #BreakbulkprojectCargo
Location :
409 A. Soriano St. Intramuros, Manila, Metro Manila 1002
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020