Amsai has been established in the world to serve the needs of today’s family. It is available in most of the countries as non for profit institution. We answer the dilemma that many parents face……….Where to find quality child education? Due to its unique approach in scientific teachings, it is most popular in the world.
Quotes from Shrii PR Sarkar
"Academic certificates do not necessarily confer on a person the right to become a teacher. Teachers must possess such qualities as personal integrity, strength of character, righteousness, a feeling for social service, unselfishness, an inspiring personality and leadership ability. They are samaja gurus and for this reason it is not possible to accept just anyone as a teacher. Because teachers have an
extremely important role to play, their professional standards must be very high."
"The teacher must bear in mind that whatever the ages of his students -- child, teenager, young adult, or older person -- all to him are but children of different ages, and he too is a child like them. Keeping himself aloof or always trying to put on a forced attitude will undermine mutual affection. In the absence of this mutual affection, free and open exchange of ideas will be simply impossible."
"The noblest form of social service is to educate the public and create a sense of consciousness in them. This sense of consciousness is to be inculcated in each and every human being. This is your duty. The goal of education is to elevate the all-round standard, and especially the intellectual standard. In addition, the elevation of the moral standard is extremely necessary in the sphere of education. This moral standard is deficient today. It is lacking in the present educational system
also.You are to create a new social order. Therefore, you should first acquire more and more knowledge in different spheres of life and also you are to upgrade your morality. Along with your intellectual standard, if you have morality, then everybody will respect you. Try to acquire as much knowledge as possible through our own books. Education which leads to the acquisition of knowledge plus morality makes for a peaceful society."
Welcome back to School our Amsai Students!! Enjoy new classroom so cool! Its so cool that the kids only want Amsai!
Summer activities in Amsai Gensan. Enroll now at Amsai for more enrichment talent skills.
NAMASKAR DEAR PARENTS AND OUR BELOVED STUDENTS! Summer class schedule is April 23- May 25, 2018. Regular class is July 2, 2018 - April , 2019. Enroll now for summer program for preschool and elementary at Amsai Elementary school.