Lake Danao Elementary School is a complete elementary school built near the famous lake Danao. It offers a cool, relaxing atmosphere to learners. . [read more]
Located at the foot of mount banahaw. A spacious and safe parking space. A mini pool with 3 slides, and spacious adult pool measuring 30 ft by 60 ft wide. [read more]
图巴塔哈群礁是坐落于菲律宾苏禄海的一处珊瑚环礁。菲律宾设置了图巴塔哈群礁国家海洋公园作为海洋保护区。在世界自然新七大奇迹的竞选中,图巴塔哈群礁曾被提名。地名语源“图巴塔哈”(tubbataha)这个词由tubba和taha两个词组成,意思是:“在退潮时裸露的长礁”。地理地质地理图巴塔哈群礁位于巴拉望省普林塞萨港东南98海里外(181公里)的苏禄海中。整个礁群由被一道8公里(5英里)长的海峡分隔开的两个珊瑚环礁组成。南边的环礁较小,长5公里。宽3公里;而北部较大的环礁长达16公里,宽5公里。两个珊瑚环礁各自形成一个突出水面的小岛。在这些礁与岛上,并没有永久居民。渔民季节性地来此捕鱼,并在小岛上建立起避难所。现今公园对旅客开放,来此潜水的游客络绎不绝。从3月中旬至7月中旬,游人们通过船只来到图巴塔哈群礁海洋公园游览——海洋公园每天有12个小时与普林塞萨港通航。巴塔哈群礁被认为是菲律宾最好的潜水地点,每逢“图巴塔哈季”运营的潜水专用船往往在亚洲复活节假期或黄金周就被人们提前预订。图巴塔哈群礁因其著名的“珊瑚墙”而成为流行的季节性的潜水运动的地点。所谓“珊瑚墙”,描述的是其潜礁与深沟比邻的现象,海沟的沟壁便成了竖立的墙。这些珊瑚还是各种色彩斑斓的鱼类的栖息地:锤头鲨鱼、梭鱼、蝠鲼、手掌大小的镰鱼、鹦鹉鱼和鳗鱼等将珊瑚作为良好的避难所。濒危物种玳瑁海龟也在图巴塔哈的珊瑚中筑巢。生态超过1000种物种在图巴塔哈群礁内栖息,有许多种类已被确定为濒危生物。已发现的动物包括了蝠鲼,狮子鱼,海龟,小丑鱼,和鲨鱼等等。珊瑚覆盖了整个区域的三分之二,许多海洋生物生活在环绕岛礁的水域中。这里有350多种珊瑚与500多种鱼类,丰富多样的生态环境可以媲美澳大利亚的大堡礁。2009年6月,图巴塔哈群礁爆发了棘冠海星灾害,有可能影响这种相对原始的珊瑚礁生态功能。. [read more]
hotel & resort. [read more]
Forest Lake is the developer of one of the largest memorial parks existing in the Philippines in terms of size, and in numbers. A market leader in terms of sales. [read more]
Parque de Ciencia de Zamboanga showcases 56 interactive science exhibits. The first and only science centrum in Western Mindanao. . [read more]
Need a place to throw an awesone party or gatherings with all your friends and family? VILLA PAULA Private Pools and Events Place has got you covered!. [read more]
El Parque nacional Colina de Cassamata es un área protegida de las Filipinas situada en el municipio de Bangued, Abra, en la Región Administrativa de Cordillera. [read more]
Seedst3 Hardbest is a bar, located at tierra nova bagumbong, 1400 Caloocan. They can be contacted via phone at 09278638333 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kansanto Spring is located at Boundary Banhigan & Poblacion, Badian, Cebu Phils. Its famed cold waters is guaranteed to refresh, helping you beat the heat!. [read more]
Kawasan Falls in Badian, Cebu kawasan falls Cebu is a peaceful natural place where you can enjoy many. . . All this and more in Badian's Kawasan Falls!. [read more]
WHERE THE SKY, THE SEA, THE LAND AND THE TREES MEET. A 45 minute drive from Cagayan de Oro. There's this preserved forest open to public. It's nature. [read more]
Water Park in Batangas City. [read more]
Welcome to One Percent Circle - Philippine's Premiere Self-Empowerment and Masterminding Organization - TRANSFORMING LIVES HOLISTICALLY!. [read more]
Mayon Travel & Tours Solutions is a booking/ticketing outlet of Happi Outlet Travel and Tours. It offers ticketing services for local and international travels. [read more]
an alternative source of drinking water supply!!. [read more]
Rungkunan National Park is a protected area of the Philippines located in the municipalities of Ditsaan-Ramain and Tagoloan II in Lanao del Sur, some 10 kilometers east-south-east of the.. [read more]
Domorog Waterpark and Beach Resort is a 15 minute boat ride from Placer, Masbate. It's a perfect place for everyone who wishes to relax and enjoy different kinds of water and sports activities. [read more]
Tipuan Falls is one of the best destinations in the province of Quezon. The waterfall is found in the town of Real, specifically Km 21 at Brgy. Llavac. [read more]
fishes and marine creatures picture with meaning. . . [read more]
*A Good Investment *Resaleable *Upgradable *Transferable *Assignable. . [read more]
Capitol View Park, Barangay Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan(044) 305-2339. [read more]
Enjoy a contemporary home in Baguio City with great views in Ridge Park Residences. . [read more]
Highland Ocean View Camping Resort is a therapeutic place in Samal best for chillout session with family, friends and co-workers. . [read more]
Memorial park of Sto. Tomas,Davao del Norte. [read more]
Themed memorial park. Serenely beautiful surroundings. . Exclusive. . Invest in a lot with high appreciation values and change its price in a short time. [read more]
An escape from all the stresses of your daily lives, we offer thrilling activities that could help you enjoy, experience and feel being one with nature. [read more]
skate bowl skate at your own risk. . . come, practice, enjoy. donate!! bring your own!!. [read more]
Negusyo by order or call my number 09286924185. [read more]
We are here to discuss all things about our dogs and to answer questions that anyone may have. Share your adorable dog pictures and videos! Do not make an insult or make arguments within the page.. [read more]
A private Beach Resort. We accept Reservations. Exclusive for Meetings,Reunions and more. . Don't hesitate to Contact us. Thank you and God speed �. [read more]
Series of cascading waters over rocky surface. This multi-tiered cascade that crashes loudly through moss-covered boulders provides hikers with a new perspective of the mostly foresty mountain. [read more]
Available Water Activities: Parasailing, flyboarding, banana boat, flyfish, bandwagon, jetski, boat rental. [read more]
Making events more fun for both the young ones and the once young in a BIG BIG WAY! RENT our Giant Games and Blocks. BUILD GAMES, BUILD MINDS. . [read more]
This facebook page is for educational purposes only. But you can still visit the Cape Santiago Lighthouse by sending your appointment to PCG-Batangas. [read more]