Aesthetic, clean, safe and affordable dentistry in Malabon Ground Floor, Rosas Arcade Building262 Gen. Luna St. Concepcion, Malabon(02)3734367, 09338101330. [read more]
Marksman Medical Clinic is a private clinic located in front of LTO Pila, Laguna. It serves to issue medical certificate for driver's license application. [read more]
The 1st hospital in Barobo, Surigao del Sur. It is named after the 1st Mayor of the town, the late Felix P. Urbiztondo. . [read more]
This is a lying-in clinic in Las Piñas City. We perform deliveries of babies, prenatal check-up, and many other services at affordable prices. At Our Lady of Pillar Lying-In Clinic, patient's.. [read more]
We Improve Lives. . Your Health is our Prime Concern. . . [read more]
KINGS ROAD VETERINARY CLINIC is fully equipped with ultrasound, xray and in-house blood tests. Please text/call 09328857838 or 0466830215 for inquiries. [read more]
Dr. Lee Wu Chun Mei is a renowned ACUPUNCTURIST who belongs to an ancestral family of acupuncturists. She holds an international medical license. FAITH HOPE LOVE MEDICAL CENTER - Acupuncture.. [read more]
MaryLet DENTAL CLINIC provides general dental services and orthodontic treatments to residents of Metro Manila and nearby areas since October 18, 1998. [read more]
An OB-Gynecology and Pediatric Clinic offering Ultrasound services as well as women's and children's check up. [read more]
Dental Clinic Smile Perfectly. [read more]
Pawsome Pets Veterinary Clinic is here to professionally serve your pets by our licensed veterinarians molded with tender, loving and compassionate hands. [read more]
NAGA IMAGING CENTER COOPERATIVE DOCTORS HOSPITAL Roxas Avenue, Diversion Road, Triangulo, Naga City Telephone No. (054) 472-6094. [read more]
A private, general, tertiary, 4th level, teaching-training hospital owned by the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro City, Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres and Society of Jesus of Xavier.. [read more]
MISSION Our commitment is to provide first class quality healthcare service to the underprivileged class of the city and adjacent localities. . [read more]
Primary (Infirmary) Hospital with 15 bed capacity. [read more]
ルバング島(ルバングとう、Lubang Island)とは、フィリピンの中部ミンドロ島の北西沖にある、南シナ海に浮かぶ島である。概要ルバング島とミンドロ島との間は、カラヴィテ水路で隔てられている。すぐ東にはルソン島のバタンガス州があり、マニラ市からは南西150kmと比較的近い位置にある。長さ30km、幅10kmのルバング島は、4つの大きな島と数多くの小島からなるルバング諸島の最大の島である。東には丸い形のアンビル島 (Ambil)が、南東には細長いゴロ島 (Golo) が、北西には小さなカブラ島 (Cabra) がある。ルバング島は西ミンドロ州に属し、ルバング (Lubang) とロオク (Looc) の二つの自治体からなる。ルバング町はルバング島西半分とカブラ島を管轄し、ルーク町はルバング島東半分とアンビル、ゴロ両島を管轄する。諸島には合わせて25のバランガイ(集落)がある。生活のほとんどは、島を取り巻く海による漁業に依存しているが、白い砂の浜辺が続く美しい海岸線があることから、観光開発の期待も高まっている。戦闘機紫電改搭乗員の菅野直が不時着した島としても知られる。小野田少尉この島の近年の歴史で、最も興味深いエピソードは、第二次世界大戦の最後の日本軍投降兵、大日本帝国陸軍少尉の情報将校、小野田寛郎の一件である。彼は、ミンドロ島にアメリカ軍が上陸し、ルソン島上陸も近い1944年(昭和19年)12月、「残置諜者」及び「遊撃指揮」の任を与えられ部下たちとともに、ルバング島に着任してゲリラ活動を行ったが、フィリピンが連合軍に制圧された後もジャングルに隠れ、終戦を信じることを拒んで部下たちとゲリラ戦を継続、その過程で島民や部下たちも死亡した。1972年(昭和47年)に、彼の部下が地元警察に射殺されたことをきっかけに、彼の存在が知られるようになり、日本の青年鈴木紀夫の説得もあり、1974年(昭和49年)3月、元上官の任務解除命令を受け、フィリピン軍に降伏した。日本の降伏後29年が経過していた。. [read more]
Mary Mediatrix Medical Center Lipa City is a hospital, located at Makati. [read more]
El Hospital y centro de traumatología San José se encuentra en la provincia de Cavite en Filipinas el en Governor's Drive, que es la carretera principal entre la ciudad de Cavite y la ciudad.. [read more]
Dela Rosa Optometric Clinic, we are committed to cont. providing the caring,compassionate & outstanding Show case kinds of frames at clinical service. [read more]
We Desire a Future. . PCMC. A Family with You. We take the lead to best health care for children. We aim to be the premier medical center for children. [read more]
المستشفى القبطي هو اسم يطلق على ثلاثة مستشفيات: اثنان بمصر، أحدهما بمدينة القاهرة (ويتبع المؤسسة العلاجية) والآخر بمدينة الإسكندرية، أما الثالث فيوجد في العاصمة الكينية نيروبي. [read more]
Dr. Smile Dental Care Center is known for having state of the art equipment, and utilizing the latest technology in the field. With a highly skilled dental team and world renowned partners.. [read more]
The official Facebook Page of St. Luke's College of Medicine - William H. Quasha Memorial. [read more]
8 Angelic Nicu Staffs, and a Warm-Hearted Nicu-Head; will welcome your little ones--here in CMSR--where your health matters. FOR INQUIRIES: CMSR Admission: 09564650807 ER.. [read more]
Manila Heng Kang Outpatient Service. [read more]
Science without Art Is like Love without Passion Man without Soul Creating Beautiful Smiles. [read more]
Services offered: Grooming Vaccinations Deworming Consultation/Check-Up Treatment Surgery Pet, food supplies and accessories. [read more]
A well coordinated and very first society of rescuer riders who help people in the event of emergency, Respond to any man-made and natural disaster. . [read more]
Add our official Facebook account at https://www. facebook. com/dentalcity. co Be our Subscriber to receive latest promotions and updates. See you there! :). [read more]
ED Clinic OB/Gyn is proud to offer a unique blend of expertise and patient-centered, care for women in all stages of life and health. [read more]
Services: Dental Surgery Periodontic Treatment Endodontic Therapy Orthodontic Treatment Prosthodontic Rehabilitation Tumauini, Isabela Branch at Brgy. [read more]
Luzon Alliance Medical Center A proposed 8 storey 200 bed-capacity private hospital. Fully equipped with the latest medical facilities including the follow. [read more]
owned by Dr. Emmanuel Sevilla. General Practioner specializes in braces and fixed bridges etc. . [read more]
Center for Dermatological Concerns. Skin, Hair and Nail Expert. Problem-Focused. Individualized Solution. Service with Compassion. [read more]
SERVICES OFFERED - Emergency Department - Internal Medicine - Family Medicine - General Surgery - Orthopedic Surgery - Obstetric Gynecology - Anesthesiology - Pediatric - Nursery.. [read more]
A group of global seafarers who have a passion for the Almighty God & compassion to reach out to fellow seafarers around the world with God's love and plan. [read more]