Come and join us worship our Lord Jesus Christ and study His words. . [read more]
Cultivating and shaping children's potential through biblical truths. . [read more]
Full Gospel Ministry. A Church who will GO for the Great Commission, GIVE to the poor and PRAY for the salvation of souls through Jesus Christ, our Lord. [read more]
Join us in praise and worship every Sunday @ 10. 30am to 12noon! The Legend Villas Mandaluyong (Pioneer) - Kudyapi Room. Come and be blessed!. [read more]
Taizé is a form of prayer with lit candles lighting the church, chapel or room. With silence & music, we are to listen God's voice through the Risen Christ. [read more]
We believe in One God and his name is Jesus. We believe the Plan of Salvation is Acts 2:38. . . Repent, Be Baptized in Jesus name , and Receive the Holy Ghost. [read more]
This page is for Cabuyao Ward Priesthood announcements and anything of worth!. [read more]
We would be happy to see you worship with us this Saturday!. [read more]
A born-again Pentecostal Christian community which aims to spread and share the love of God and the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. . [read more]
Christ Centered - Bible Based. [read more]
LOL - Light Of Life is a church based youth organization that exists to cater young people to love God and to love people. Join us every Friday 6:30 PM!. [read more]
Mateo 6:33 seek 'ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all this things shall be added than to you. [read more]
Promoting our Children's ministry, events, and other church programs. . [read more]
A unique society dedicated, committed, and united to reach all the lost and turn them into devoted followers of Jesus Christ. . [read more]
My offer on my page is if the person is discouraged. I'll make her happy with my page. . . [read more]
The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) has been working assiduously for Clean,Honest, Accurate, Meaningful and Peaceful elections. [read more]
A movement were people believes that a body should work according to what head instructed them to do so, Jesus Christ as the head and people as His body. [read more]
i had to all people this my page is a good influence. [read more]
New Life Purpose is making Jesus known. . [read more]
22 Oval Street, Paliparan Subdivision, Sto. Nino, Marikina City, Metro Manila Sunday Morning Service: 8:00 am and 6:00 pm for Vesper Service. [read more]
A Full Gospel and Christ-centered Church. Midweek Service Thursday @ 7pm Sunday Services 1st Service @ 7am 2nd Service @ 10am 3rd Service @ 4pm. [read more]
CLWC is a church, located at 469 A BARANGKA DRIVE, BRGY. PLAINVIEW, Mandaluyong. They can be contacted via phone at 532-77-37 for more detailed information. [read more]
Connect People to God and One Another. [read more]
What Is the Church of Christ? BY JASON JACKSON The New Testament is the only place to which we can turn to learn about the church of Christ. We recall that the church is described as the.. [read more]
the Parish Youth Ministry or PYM is an organization which aspires to help and improve the spiritual, mental, and social being of the Catholic Youth of Bongabong. [read more]
We are the Joshua Generation. . [read more]
Please come and be Blessed!. [read more]
USJ-R PEER MINISTRY is a church, located at USJ-R Campus Ministry Office, 6000 Cebu City. [read more]
apostolic works catholic laity catholic youth organizations. [read more]
This Page will be dedicated to Updates pertaining to the Schedules and Activities of the Our Lady of Loretto Chapel - Basa Air Base. . . #SupportinGodsGrace. [read more]
right relationship to God, through faith. . . . [read more]
Ang Kapistahan Ni Sto. Niño Ay Tuwing Ikatlong Linggo ng Enero !!. [read more]
AGGAp is a Christ centered, ecclesial communion apostolate voluntarily laboring for Good Governance and Christian responsible citizenship. . [read more]
The Columbarium at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, built within the lower ground floor of the church, reminds us always of God's everlasting mercy for us. [read more]
The Santa Catalina de Siena Parish Church, commonly referred to as Bambang Church, is an 18th-century, Baroque church located at Brgy. Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines. [read more]