Legazpi City Airport is an airport, located at Legazpi Access Road, Legazpi City, Bicol Region, 4500. [read more]
Bicol International Airport is an under-construction international airport that will serve Legazpi, the capital city of Albay and the regional center of Bicol Region, in the Philippines. [read more]
Port lotniczy Legazpi – międzynarodowy port lotniczy położony w Legazpi, na Filipinach. . [read more]
L'aeroporto di Legazpi , definito come principale di classe 1 dalle autorità dell'aviazione civile filippina, è un aeroporto filippino situato nella regione di Bicol, nella provincia di Albay,.. [read more]
El Aeropuerto Internacional de Legazpi en las Filipinas es un gran aeropuerto en la región de Bicol, al servicio de la vecindad de Legazpi, la capital de Albay. [read more]
黎牙实比机场,是一座位于菲律宾 吕宋岛上阿尔拜省 黎牙实比市的机场。主要服务于菲律宾国内线。. [read more]
Affortable Price and Quality Service Vehicle. [read more]
Fly high with Savier is an online ticketing office managed and owned by Sage Olfindo and Chris Juanillo. We book flights local and international. ✈️. [read more]
Handy eddy is offering a great satisfaction to our customers when it comes to services and maintenace of your computers. [read more]
Air Ticketing, Hotel Accommodation, Package Tours, E-loading. [read more]
Transport Service - Van rental for all occasions - Van rental to any point in the Philippines - Packages available - Can issue reciept. [read more]
El Aeropuerto Internacional de Bicol es un aeropuerto internacional en construcción que servirá a Legazpi, la capital de Albay y el centro regional de la Región de Bicol, en el país asiático.. [read more]
Legazpi Airport in the Philippines is a major airport in the Bicol Region, serving the vicinity of Legazpi, the capital city of Albay. It has a single runway with dimensions of 2280 x 36.. [read more]