
New generation with new mindset of Godly principles to correct past situations and change the community of Kumuninghl.

Tags : #Education

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Yamil#1, PNG Maprik, East Sepik
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14 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    28 July 2017

    A PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL EXECUTIVES, MEMBERS AND YAMIL COMMUNITY AS WHOLE! ****************************************** After receiving the complaints and grievances from some of our executives and members regarding the slidenchanges on the executives for home branch, I Jeremiah Yuwiningi, the chairman of this recently formed association hereby making my point clear that these changes have taken place for the good of the members and the community after analysing all strengths and... weakness of the executives. As I've said earlier that this organization is like a new hatched chicken that needs very strong, energetic, vibrant leaders with motivation to grow this association. However, these changes are temporary awaiting promised funds to be released before holding a general meeting in which reappointment of new executives will eventuated. As we can see we have been going through storms of critizms so we need strong people to lead us. Association's activities will now proceed after awaiting election to end. Thank for your understanding and i hope to team up with you all again. Yours sincerely, ---------------------------------- Jeremiah Yuwiningi (Chairman-YDF Inc.)

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  • Anynomous
    16 June 2017

    Toksave tasol lo Yamil community olsm mipla reconcile back wantaim hon.member blo mipla. So mipla sure olsm JS bai kism bek seat blo em na bai mipla luk2 forward lo support blo em lo displa association behind lo election. So mipla bai soim full sapot inap election i pinis.

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  • Anynomous
    11 June 2017

    On behalf of Yamil community, vote (1) blo mipla bai kam wantaim displa ol bikpla lukluk olsem; 1. Initial support to this association (Yamil Development Foundation Inc.) 2. A quality road system with proper drainage system by engaging a well-established construction company to construct this Yamil ring-road. e.g. Dekenai Construction Co.Ltd, etc. 3. Assist SMEs with seed capital to assist local indigenous people to venture into small businesses. 4. Fund public services such ...as schools and health centres in which now we have two primary schools and one health centre, I.e. Ulupu Primary and Yamil Primary Schools in which Ulupu Primary was established long ago where it should have been upgraded to a secondary school or a technical college. And Ulupu Health Center. NOTE: We all the people and citizens of this country have our Democratic Rights to every services that must be delivered by that person which we mandated. That leader of ours who have been mandated by us need not to be praised for what he/she has delivered because this is our Democratic Rights.

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  • Anynomous
    11 June 2017

    Yesterday's fundraising ended successfully with overwhelming support from the community, despite comments made to this group. Many people come to register just to prove to those who claim that this group is a stupid group. We will not be backed off by such people who are critizing us because we have the resources with us. Others will come and use us for their own gain and will left us tomorrow.

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  • Anynomous
    10 June 2017

    First Fundraising for Home Branch today at Yamil #1 village. Youths and women folk mobilized to prepare for this event. This is because they are too much conscious about the future of their children and grandchildren despite unnecessary comments claimed this group to be a stupid group.

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  • Anynomous
    09 June 2017

    Yamil community we have becoming fools for so long. Its time now we stand on our feets to fight to see changes in our community and for the betterment of our future. Others will come and use us as fools and steal from us and tomorrow they are gone. It's time now we produce quality and well educated leaders that will represent us tomorrow without fear or favour. We will not bow down to any Tom, Dick and Herry. We must not forcus on things that will last only for today and tomorrow we regret alot. I urge you educated individuals to stand together with me and change our community. We are not going to live the same way as in the past because the world is changing.

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  • Anynomous
    22 May 2017

    Yamil community! Are we prepared enough to confront this giant (PRINCE ALEXANDER MINE LTD)?

    ****************************** We must now try to avoid necessary arguements that will arise between the developer and us the landowners in the future. Mistakes have been occured in some other places therefore we must not repeat these. It was confirmed that the developer have just visited the site and making recommendations that the next exploration phase will commence straight after... the election. ************************ My appeal to you leaders or frontliners to negotiate well before bringing in the developer. The damages which were done in the first phase of the exploration has not been compensated as yet as per the reliable sources due to delay in the court proceedings to declare who's the principle landowner. According to the law (Mining Act) states that previous damages must be compensated before allowing the developer to go to the next exploration phase. ************************ My appeal to you negotiators that you must always consult the landowners and get their views first beofore you go ahead with your dealings. From my observation, Yamil villages haven't got their ILGs in place as well as common boundry hasn't been set. ***************************** YAMIL WE MUST THINK FIRST BEFORE WE BECOME KEYBOARD WARRIORS, OR ELSE WE'LL BECOME LOOSERS IN OUR OWN LAND. 'Very serious issue'

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  • Anynomous
    05 May 2017

    Very important message to you Yamil Community, as the chairman of this association I urge you to start register yourself and be the member of this organization. As I've said earlier that this year is a preparation year and next year will be the implementation year. My advice to schooling populace, starting from tertiary level down to primary level in which you'll be assisted for your tution fees, and also those dropouts hanging around doing nothing. As our aim is to produce a... well educated society (human resource) which is our main agenda that leads to other developments in our society. Start register now before you face other penalty fees or miss out. Membership registration fee is K50 per head. Eligibility for membership is from Grade 8 to the older age. Due date will be passed soon and there will be penalty fees applied for late registration. As this is a community oriented organization therefore I urge you to register for the benefit of you yourself, your kids and your future generation. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Cheers! Jeremiah Yuwiningi

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  • Anynomous
    30 April 2017

    Just a little community gathering today only to make slide changes on the executives for the home branch before we proceed on with greater tasks well ahead of us. As I've said earlier, this is a preparation year so we need energetic, strong, insipred, motivated individuals to undertake these posts, in order to see growth and achieve the goals and objectives of this association. Next year is the implementation year.

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2017

    Just to relay a message here! ********************

    We are not going to live the same lifestly tomorrow as today because the world is changing. Therefore, are we preparing enough to face our tomorrow? ... How our next generation will live and do things will be different from us now. Its time now we must lay a proper foundation for our next generation, or else they'll be left behind and be the victims of the global changes. As leaders and educated elites we must come down to the community level and start educating our people before we will be late, instead of arguing and creating differences among ourselves. If we understand an issue is sensitive then we must start to make a right stand, simple as that! Instead of denying the facts due to our own interests so that people can see us and praise us, which will then we lead the next generation to the wrong direction. No! Its not that. ************************ WE MUST THINK AND ACT GLOBALLY

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  • Anynomous
    25 April 2017

    Nominations after nominations for intending candidates is going on right now. Voters will be deceived here and there by those intending candidates saying that they will do this and that and so fort. My advice to you all, especially Yamil Community and Yamil Kil is that what what we put on ballot papers will determine our future. Don't be fooled by those middle-man who will be eating from those intending candidates then later bulshiting you to top the numbers for their candida...tes. We have to make right choices. Now the power is with us (people's power). We have to decide now and choose someone who will always open to us and ensure that we can speak to him face to face when we are in need. Very importantly, we have to thoroughly screened down their policies and what they're going to give us inreturn. ************************ By the way, to all members and Yamil community, the launching of this association is just two weeks from now, which is 06-May-2017, Venue: Yamil 1 ( Munapeih Omeh). The formal invitation letter has been delivered to our honourable member and deputy speaker of Parliament, Hon. John Simon (MP) to invite him to officially launch this association (YAMIL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION INC.) therefore, we are just awaiting his response. Why we choose him to launch this association reason being that his first priority or main agenda is to develop HUMAN RESOURCE which is just similar to our MISSION and GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, which we see as the route of all developments. Therefore, I believe he is too much supportive on such initiatives. ****************************** Thank you and God bless. #JY- Chairman (YDF Inc.)

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  • Anynomous
    23 April 2017

    First fundraising job completed for the home branch which leads to preparation for the launching, which is the drying of cocoa beans. This is financial preparation. Sales will be made this week and after that the nxt fundraising again. This is to prepare enough to cater for this bigger event.

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  • Anynomous
    17 April 2017

    "YAMILS UP!" A true man will stand out clear and fight for the good of his people, rather than betraying them for the bounty offered to him. I feel for my people when they are being fooled and robbed off. I urge you new educated elites to stand together to depend our poor people and protect our resources through the knowledge we inputed.

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  • Anynomous
    15 April 2017

    Another consecutive awareness today, which left us with two more to go for two remaining villages. The venue of the awareness today will be held at Yamil No.2. This also coinside with the buying of wet cocoa beans. For the start we have secured 3 fermentries to ferment and dry cocoa beans. However, only one village took part in assisting us just for the start and I believe other villages will be involved in the next time around.

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