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SON OF ROY LIMITED is located at Kunai Street, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea. Visit their website www.sonofroy.com.pg or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

SON OF ROY LIMITED is a 100% PNG-owned Design and Build end-to-end contractor specialized in Architectural Design, Project Management, Construction and Property Maintenance. Son Of Roy Architectural & Building Services was registered as a Business Name (BN: 6-128657) under the auspices of the Investment Promotion Authority as the custodian of the company/business law of Papua New Guinea, the Companies Act 1997. SOR has now been converted to a Company under the Name: SON OF ROY LIMITED (1-121610). SOR is experiencing inundating demand in the custom design build market, particularly residential and light commercial buildings hence it has expanded its services to Lae, Kokopo and the AROB where we are continuing to service customers in these areas. SOR thrives on its uncompromising quality finishing on some of the intricate work in both architectural design and construction fully utilising some of the contemporary softwares and project management techniques which have proven to be rewarding.

Tags : #Construction

Location :
Kunai Street, Port Moresby, National Capital District
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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