
We are the premier School of Government & Public Service Training Organisation in Papua New Guinea.

Tags : #Education, #GovernmentOrganization

Location :
Waigani, National Capital District, P O Box 1216, BOROKO Port Moresby

20 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    22 March 2018

    Smell of celebration filled the campus today. Staffs came in their own style to take part in this one of the many achievements for this institute. (Opening of the Sir Sere Pitoi Rumana)

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  • Anynomous
    22 March 2018

    Today PNGIPA witnessed and celebrated in the opening of the new building Sir Sere Pitoi Rumana. This new infrastructure was funded by the Australian Government, throught the Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct. The Precinct, led by the Government of Papua New Guinea, is forging a new generation of future leaders, both women and men, developing ethical, practical and intellectual leadership for the nation.

    The launch was officiated by the Prime Minister Hon. Peter O'Neill CMG MP, and the Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Julie Bishop MP.

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2016

    On behalf of the Governing Council and the staff of PNGIPA -School of Government, we wish to extend our THANK YOU to all our valued clients in the public and private sector, civil society and faith based organisation for your contributions in training both public servants and non public servants. We look forward to your continued partnership in 2017 and beyond. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year 2017. May God Bless you all! #marketingoffice#

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2016

    2016 DHRM & DIA Course participants.

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2016

    2016 Diploma in HRM participants cutting up the close up cake with Course Coordinator Ms Joy Komba.

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2016

    Christmas brings celebrations of many. Each year we have public servants and non public servants coming to attend our course programs. We have participants coming from all over PNG, and its all hugs, handshakes, thankyou words and gift presentations when the academic year finally ends. Our 2016 Diploma in HRM participants did just that to our ever hard working trainers.

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2016

    The academic year ceased on Friday 25th November, 2016. Course participants were reminded of few important notices to comply forthwith in preparation for completing course programs smoothly and in preparation of graduation date as endorsed by the PNGIPA Governing Council Meeting #3/2016 on 10th March 2017.

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  • Anynomous
    22 December 2016

    We would like to this time to thank the National Gaming Control Board for assisting us with the repatriation cost for the three retired and retrenched staff. This makes it a very special gesture because these staff have being waiting to go home since 2005. Thank you so much!

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  • Anynomous
    17 October 2016

    The training for the third and fourth cohorts was offered as one from the 03rd to the 14th October 2016. This program is intensive and aims to enhance and equip participants with information which will include awareness of relevant enabling Acts, Orders, Policies and Procedures applicable in their roles with DDA. The program will also ensure participants are made aware of their responsibilities as leaders and managers with ethical values.

    Respective DDAs, and aspiring officers from the Milne Bay, West Sepik, East Sepik , Morobe, Central and Madang Provincal Administration were all smiles with their certificates of attendance.

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  • Anynomous
    28 September 2016

    2016 Morobe Students. This year we have 18 public servants and one self sponsored student from the Morobe Province. Recommended by their departments, these public servants will be graduating in two months time with their respective qualifications; Diploma & Certificate course in Accounting, Diploma in Public Administration, Diploma & Certificate course in LLG Management and Certificate in Middle Management.

    We wish to acknowledge, Morobe Provincial Administration, Finschhafen Dist Admin, Tewae Siassi Dist Admin, Markam District Treasury, Menyamya District Treasury, Huon District Admin, Wau/Bulolo Urban Admin and Bumayong Secondary School for seeing this institution to provide relevant training programs that meets the needs of the public sector workforce in PNG.

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  • Anynomous
    26 September 2016

    Invitation was extended to the High Level delegation of PNG Government to participate with us in the Post 41 years Independence Anniversary Celebratory Walk Through Show on Wednesday 21st September 2016 from 10:00am to 12:00noon at PNGIPA Waigani. The purpose of their visit is basically to talk and see for themselves all training activities and the learning infrastructures.

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  • Anynomous
    26 September 2016

    Faces of PNGIPA

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  • Anynomous
    26 September 2016

    PNGIPA 41 years of Independendence Day Celebrations. Director's speech number 31. We are here for our children, and the future generations of this country. Let's us all make a small difference for them and that small difference will make them smile. That smile is what I call happiness.

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  • Anynomous
    11 August 2016

    Keleone Aroma Development Group in partnership with Minister for Public Service & Member for Abau doing the Luncheon Presentation. In all that was shared, the main message is that leaders can bring service to their own district by working closing with their DDA officers in speaking and acting in one language.

    Below our Director and some of our staff for the luncheon.

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  • Anynomous
    20 July 2016

    We welcome our certificate course participants this month of July 2016. Our mid year Certificate programs have commenced as scheduled. Following courses are currently being facilitated, Certificate in Accounting, Certificate in Human Resource Development, Certificate in Local Level Government, Certificate in Middle Management and Certificate in Land Administration. PNGIPA Island Regional Training Centre in Rabual has also commenced Certificate in Middle Mangement course on the 20/06/16.

    Below are students of Certificate in Accounting and Certificate in Human Resource Development in their first class of (IT) Introduction to Basic Computing.

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  • Anynomous
    01 April 2016

    Developing Public Service Leaders of tommorrow. 5th Graduation of the Graduate Development Program. Congratulation to these young public servants from the department of DPM, PNGIPA, Justice & Attorney, East Sepik Prov Admin and Western Prov Admin. Graduate Development Program is coordinated by DPM and facilitated by PNGIPA school of government.

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  • Anynomous
    31 March 2016

    A MOU was signed today at 1:00pm between the PNG Sports Foundation and the PNGIPA School of Government. This is for the upgrading of the fields. This is in preparation for the 6th FIFA under 20 Women's World Cup in November 2016. All works for the upgrading of the fields will be done at no cost to the Insititution that meets FIFA minimum requirements.

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  • Anynomous
    24 March 2016

    Words of THANK YOU to EPSP, Governance Program for these three good advisors that we had. Polin Whitley - Strategic Planning & Management, Helen Cherry - Operations Management and John Steer - Quality Improvement. Thank you for the time here with us, it was only not your professionalism to your work that added value to PNGIPA, it was also the smiles and the fun that you also tried to share in and around this learning environment...mipla laik tok bikpela tenku tru lon pasin blon upla...

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  • Anynomous
    24 March 2016

    Director Angori Wewerang in his welcome speech for the 2016 academic year pointed out to those public servants on training that Every Papua New Guinean has a talent and a potential to perform at the highest level of par with anybody else in this world. We must make every effort to develp these talents and potentials we have as individual and as a group. Classes will officially start on 29th March 2016.

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  • Anynomous
    18 March 2016

    Congratulations to the DDA - Leadership and Management course participants for completing the two weeks program.

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