Jacksons Tales Bar and Lounge is a beautiful contemporary bar inspired by the natural beauty and culture of Papua New Guinea. Situated in the Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport in.. [read more]
格尼機場是一個位於巴布亞新畿內亞米爾恩灣省阿洛陶之民用機場。2008年12月,巴布亞新畿內亞交通和民航部長 Don.. [read more]
Interlink Express Freighters Limited is a locally company established to be an effective gatherer of the abundance and also a distributor of wealth. . [read more]
O Aeroporto Internacional de Port Moresby é um aeroporto internacional localizado em Saraga, que serve principalmente Port Moresby, capital da Papua Nova Guiné, sende esse o principal aeroporto.. [read more]
A premier chauffeur service for travelling around Port Moresby Affordable rates on all rides Premium vehicles Professional chauffeur drivers. [read more]
Der Port Moresby International Airport, auch Jacksons International Airport oder Port Moresby Airport, liegt nahe der Stadt Port Moresby und ist der größte und verkehrsreichste Flughafen.. [read more]
L'Aeroporto di Port Moresby, conosciuto anche come Aeroporto Internazionale Jacksons, è l'aeroporto che serve Port Moresby, capitale della Papua Nuova Guinea. [read more]
잭슨 국제공항은 파푸아뉴기니 포트모르즈비에 있는 국제공항으로 에어 뉴기니와 PNG 항공이 허브 공항에 속한다. 외부 링크 Port Moresby Airport review on LateDeparture. com. [read more]
L'aéroport international Jacksons est le principal aéroport international de Port Moresby en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. Situé à 8 km de la ville, c'est le hub principal d'Air Niugini et.. [read more]
The Port Moresby Airfield Complex was a World War II military airfield complex, built near Port Moresby, Papua and New Guinea. It was used during the Battle of New Guinea as a base of Allied.. [read more]
Jacksonsin kansainvälinen lentoasema on Papua-Uuden-Guinean pääkaupungin Port Moresbyn kansainvälinen lentoasema. Sen kaksi kiitotietä ovat pituuksiltaan 2 066 ja 2 750 metriä. [read more]
ポートモレスビー・ジャクソン国際空港(-こくさいくうこう、)は、パプアニューギニアの首都、ポートモレスビーにある国際空港である。就航路線国際線国内線旅客便就航都市一覧 メラネシア 国内 : アロタウ、ブカ、ダル、ゴロカ、、カビエン、ケレマ、、、ラエ、、マダン、マヌス島、メンディ、マウントハーゲン、ポポンデッタ、ラバウル、、、、ワペナメンダ、ウェワク、、ファネ、イトカマ、、、ミシマ島、モロ、オノンジェ、タピニ、、 : ホニアラ : ポートビラ : ナンディ オーストラリア : シドニー、ブリスベン、ケアンズ ミクロネシア : チューク、ポンペイ アジア : 東京/成田 : マニラ : デンパサール. [read more]
Bandar Udara Internasional Jacksons-Port Moresby juga dikenal sebagai Bandar Udara Port Moresby adalah bandar udara yang terletak 5 mil di luar Port Moresby, Papua Nugini. [read more]
Port lotniczy Gurney – port lotniczy zlokalizowany w mieście Alotau, w Papui-Nowej Gwinei. Bibliografia Informacje na stronie Great Circle Mapper. [read more]
Jacksons International Airport, also known as Port Moresby Airport, is located 8 kilometres outside Port Moresby, in Papua New Guinea. It is the largest and busiest airport in Papua New Guinea and.. [read more]
Luchthaven Port Moresby, ook bekend als Jacksons International Airport, is de grootste en drukste luchthaven van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea en ligt op 5 kilometer afstand van de hoofdstad Port Moresby. [read more]
Kar Kar is an airport, located at Madang, Madang. [read more]
Brahman is an airport, located at Madang, Madang. [read more]
Chungribu Airport is an airport, located at Madang, Madang. [read more]
Kanainj is an airport, located at Madang, Madang. [read more]
Madang is a nice place, however, settlements near the airport and road leading to the airport makes it unsafe for general public to travel freely. . Cute little village airport. [read more]
Southwest of Madang Airport,travel by plane only. . 45 mins from Madang Airport. . [read more]
Arar Domestic Airport is an airport serving Arar (also spelled ʿArʿar), the capital of Northern Borders Province in Saudi Arabia. The began operations on 1 June 1981. [read more]
Buka Airport is an airport serving Buka Island in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (also known as North Solomons) in Papua New Guinea. It is located at the southern end of the island, near.. [read more]