JBK TB Clinic is a specialty clinic for Tuberculosis at the Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea.
We know the importance of the TB program and the patients it serves in order to sustain and improve the treatment outcome. We also know the potential negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic can have on the TB program.
Amid, COVID-19 pandemic, PMGH has scaled down hospital services and JBK TB Clinic has also been affected by this decision. Despite physical distancing, we are trying this platform to technologically or digitally maintain communication with our patient and identify serious cases that need doctors' attention. This would not only extend our communication/consultation to the comfort of the patient's home, but it will also assist to triage our patients so the ONLY sick ones needing admission can be physically seen in the clinic during this pandemic.
We welcome criticism as this will help us to improve this new online service.
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