EPA Scholarships, Training & Jobs is located at Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Education Pacific Agency hereafter EPAis a Humanitarian Organization that recruits and recommends students from the Pacific Island Countries who want to study in some of the top Universities in China. The courses including:- Aircraft Engineering,- Control and Automation Engineering,- Petroleum Engineering,- Civil Engineering & Architecture- Computer Science to MBA- Among many others.We arrange for bachelors degree students who want to self-sponsor or want to apply for partial scholarships. We also recommend FULL scholarship for postgraduate students who seek to further their studies.EPA Vision:Educated majority living a quality life through education and are able to help others live an improved life in order to alleviate poverty and for the nation building.EPA Mission:Providing an avenue to people who want to have their dreams realized through Education by means of empowering, encouraging, motivating and education accessibility for all including the disadvantaged, and the women /girls.EPA Plans:1) First Choice: Be innovative, creative and entrepreneur. Do not to worry about looking for jobs. Create your own jobs.2) Second Choice: Find a job if first choice cannot be accomplished. But remember to get to back first choice when you have the means.3) EPA wants you to unlock your potential and have your PhD/Prof title(s) before you reach your 40 or 35 is even better.4) When you have the fresh mind, you can be innovator, creative, entrepreneur and contribute a lot to society.Motto:We Are a Family, We Serve By Heart & Promote Excellence!For more information, contact teamepa@epa4u.com or epa@epa4u.com or edupacificagency@gmail.com Thank you for your partnership for the worthy cause.Kind regardsTEAM EPAhttps://web.facebook.com/edupacificagency
Tags : #GovernmentAdministration
Location :
Port Moresby, National Capital District
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020