拉包爾火山是巴布亞新幾內亞的大型火山,位於東新不列顛省,名稱取自火山口內的城鎮拉包爾,最高的峰頂海拔高度688米。它的次火山通道塔烏魯火山有活躍的活動,持續噴出火山灰。1994年,塔烏魯火山和鄰近的沃尔坎火山爆發,摧毀城鎮拉包爾,造成5人死亡。. [read more]
We are specialized in building & maintenance, landscaping & beautication including lawns, pot plant management, indoor gardens & floriculture projects. [read more]
We specialize in the following: ~Taxi service & vehicle hire ~Hospitality software solutions ~Chaffeur services. [read more]
Empresa familiar dedicada a la carpintería en general, fabricación de muebles a medida y armarios, colocación de puertas y cubiertas en madera, etc. . [read more]
At Kolos Nau we tailor NGI blouses for todays woman. . in unique quality designs for your comfort and style. Make an Impression,Make your Mark. [read more]
Paivu Tours Ltd is a well estabilished inbound Tour Operator based in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. We welcome you to East New Britain!. [read more]
Pacific Island Projects (PIP) is a not-for-profit enterprise that supplies the sustainable forestry sector with a holistic, one-stop source of information that benefits all levels of society. [read more]
We are the Recognized National Federation for the sport of Athletics in PNG and are affiliated to the IAAF (the World Governing Body for the sport). [read more]
Bismark Solutions Limited provides Attache' Software support and training in all modules of the Software-Payroll, Accounts which is a fully integrated Accounting system, Fixed Assets for.. [read more]
Professional architectural consultancy and building designs for your building needs in East New Britain and West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. F. [read more]
Your No. 1 Agricultural Supplier in PNG. [read more]
For Cultural Tourism Events. [read more]
Citi-Link Taxi Cab Services is a 24-hour taxi service operating in ENB province providing transport service to all parts of the Gazelle Peninsula. . [read more]
Updates of happening and developments in Kokopo District, Pomio, Gazelle and Rabaul District. [read more]
Riaria Tours, located at Karavia, +675 Kokopo. [read more]
Ralum Country Club, Kokopo, located at Kokopo. [read more]
Suzunami was a of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Design and descriptionThe Yūgumo class was a repeat of the preceding with minor improvements that increased their anti-aircraft capabilities. [read more]
Consulting in Building Services in Electrical,Fire,Hospital,Hydraulics,Mechanical and Ventilation design services. [read more]
Тавурвур — активный стратовулкан в Папуа — Новой Гвинее близ города Рабаул на острове Новая Британия. Последнее извержение началось 29 августа 2014 года. [read more]
Le Rabaul est un volcan de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée situé sur l'île de Nouvelle-Bretagne et constitué d'une caldeira à demi-ouverte sur la mer. Cette caldeira forme un port naturel qui.. [read more]
塔乌鲁火山(Tavurvur)是一座活跃的复式火山,坐落在巴布亚新几内亚东新不列颠省拉包尔附近。它是拉包尔火山的一个排气口位于其东部边缘上。该火山是拉包尔火山最活跃的部分,最近的一次喷发时间为2009年1月。 2014年8月29号,塔乌鲁火山突然喷发,大批周边居民被迫撤离,部分途经火山上空的国际航班更改航线。据当地居民称,火山喷出的火山灰覆盖了周围区域,厚度大约有1厘米。历史1937年,塔乌鲁火山和附近的沃尔坎火山(Vulcan)的喷发导致507人死亡,并对拉包尔的城镇造成了巨大的破坏。1994年,该火山与沃尔坎火山再度一起喷发,拉包尔绝大部分地区被废弃,并促使省政府将省会搬迁到科可波(Kokopo)。2006年10月7日,塔乌鲁火山再次喷发,开始的爆炸震碎12公里以外的窗户,火山灰高达18公里,进入了平流层。 幸运的是这次风把大部分灰尘吹离了拉包尔。图片外部链接 Volcano World: Tavurvur, Rabaul Caldera, 2014年8月29日,由菲尔·麦克纳马拉(Phil McNamara)捕获到的塔乌鲁(Thavurvur)火山爆发。. [read more]
Suzunami oli Keisarillisen Japanin laivaston Yūgumo-luokan hävittäjä toisessa maailmansodassa. PalvelusSuzunami liitettiin palvelukseen otettaessa ensimmäisen laivaston 11. [read more]
East New Britain, located at East New Britain. [read more]
Tommy Tse Furniture Shop, located at Tommy Tse Furniture Shop, Adima Street, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
BNBM Hardware, located at BNBM Hardware, Malaguna Road, Rabaul East New Britain. [read more]
Barlow Industries, located at Barlow Industries, Tobaining Drive, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Central Mart, located at Central Mart, Williams Road, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
PNG Motors Kokopo, located at PNG Motors Kokopo, Williams Road, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Japanese War Memorial, located at Japanese War Memorial, Namanula Road, Matalau East New Britain. [read more]
Vagavil Club, located at Vagavil Club, Berrima Street, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Atlumas Kai Bar, located at Atlumas Kai Bar, Berrima Street, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Hot Rooster Kokopo, located at Hot Rooster Kokopo, Williams Road, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Kokopo Fried Chicken, located at Kokopo Fried Chicken, Adima Street, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Rabaul - Kokopo Dive, located at Rabaul - Kokopo Dive, Williams Road, Kokopo East New Britain. [read more]
Tavurvur is an active stratovolcano near Rabaul, on the island of New Britain, in Papua New Guinea. It is a sub-vent of the Rabaul caldera and lies on the eastern rim of the larger feature. [read more]
This is the official page for Theo Day Clinic. [read more]