
About Us: -Future Connect Oman (FCO Group), is well established multi-business company in Oman. FCO Group Specialized ino Telecom CONSULTANCYo MARKETINGo ELECTROMECHANICSo CIVIL WORKS.Through the years, FCO Group has matched the challenges and opportunities of competing at local and global levels, responding positively to the immediate needs.The wide range of new technologies and operating models has reshaped today's global knowledge-driven economy, bringing with it significant opportunities for FCO Group.The Group: -Future Connect LLC & Precious Meanings LLC provides our clients with the solutions and resources to carry out complex and challenging telecommunication,Future Connect LLC & Precious Meanings LLC specializes in marketing, Sales areas. we are delivering of communications Services in the high standard of quality. The company has employees with experience in Next-Gen in telecommunications in a various of telecom technologies.Future Connect LLC & Precious Meanings LLC has a great value and trust of a team experienced and Specialized in the Telecom CONSULTANCY and marketing. That can support your needs. at the highest levels of quality performance.Our excellence, resourcefulness and responsiveness are a natural consequence of the internal values and employee's dedication that have guided our company since its founding. These include an energetic enthusiasm for what we do, a sensitivity to the needs of our clients and willingness to accept total responsibility and compliance to international standards نحن نساعد الشركا ت عل ى أن تكون أكثر ذكاءً، وأكثر رقمية، وأكثر تكاملً وأمانًا. نحن ندعم مجتمعنا للوصول إلى آفاقجديدة كمجتمع رقمي. نحن نقدم للموظفين الفرصة لطرح الأفكار وإحداث تأثير تجاري وثقافي رسالتناأن تكون شركة مبتكرة وذا ت أداء رفيع وقدرة عالية في تنفيذ أعمالهالحاليّة، وتأسيس فرص جديدة رؤيتناأن نصبح بحلول عا م – 2022 الشريك الأكثر ثقة، وفعالية، وريادة، ومرونةللمجتمع الرقمي - بما يدعم رؤي ة السلطنة

Tags : #Telecommunications., #Telecommunications

Location :
Salalah, Dhofar Governorate
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