This place is one of a greatest tourist places in shinas. People are more often seen there . But one of the main drawback is that this place is little bit different for the people to be seen very fast from the road . It also need some more public attractions. We can enjoy very well here. There are parking slots and every services . The toilets should be some more maintained and the water also there is some problm. Other than these factors it's a great place to spend our time with family and friends.
المكان مقبول ولكنه يحتاج لمزيد من الاهتمام والصيانه وخصوصا دورات المياه وكذلك لايوجد ماء عذب في الشاليه
مكان جميل وهادئ وسعره معقول واكثر من المعقول
مكان جميل للعائلات وتجمع الاهل