
Walker Electrical Ltd

Location :
58 Tiria Lane, Waipu 0582
Contacts :


I would like to introduce the company & myself.

Walker Electrical has been trading either as a sole trader or company since 1983 and was originally based in West Harbour in Auckland, we have now relocated to Waipu.

We specialise in marine, mobile homes, domestic and commercial electrical installations, servicing and repairs.

We cover DC (12 & 24volt) and AC (110, 240 & 400volt) systems, including solar power, wind generation, mains power gensets.
Supply and service alternators, starter motors and gensets.
Manufacture of switchboards, engine and other control panels.

I am a registered electrician, I completed my apprenticeship in the late 70's with Jaybel Nichimo Ltd (later to become Fletcher Fishing Ltd). After leaving Fletcher Fishing Ltd, I went into business for myself (1983) and contracted back to Fletcher Fishing Ltd.

During the past 28 years I have had extensive experience in commercial marine, pleasure craft, super yachts, international yachts, mobile homes, commercial and domestic electrical work from design to installation, servicing & repairs.

Walker Electrical Ltd works to the highest standards, and will satisfy your electrical requirements in the areas we specialise in.

Feel free to contact me for any assistance you need, even if only for advice.

09 432 0712 or 0274 956672