
We are experienced neonatal / paediatric nurses that can help with your baby's sleeping, feeding and developmental needs.

Tags : #MedicalHealth, #PersonalCoach, #Medical&Health

Location :
Onehunga, Auckland


Hello, I'm Amy, one of The Baby Sleep Practitioners. I am a registered nurse with 10 years Neonatal Nursing experience and have a Masters degree in Pediatric Health Science. I have two boys aged 1 and 3 years old. My reasoning for starting up business as a Sleep Practitioner is that I am very passionate about babies and when I became a mother I found myself giving advice to other mothers in coffee groups. It made me feel great to see how much they valued and appreciated it and what a difference I could made in their family life.

Hello, I'm Elspeth, the second Baby Sleep Practitioner. I'm a registered nurse with 12 years nursing experience, including time practising as a neonatal / peadiatric nurse in NZ and the UK, working in both Neonatal Intensive Care and Special Care Baby Units. I also hold a Masters degree in Health Science. I love working with baby's and their families, but it was not until having my own that I was exposed to this new world of motherhood and all of the difficulties we face, whilst trying to do the best we can! As I spoke with more mothers I saw the positive outcomes that my support and advice helped achieve. This was my motivation to start up business as a Sleep Practitioner.

The Baby Sleep Practitioners can help mothers not only with their baby sleep routines, but also any issues surrounding their baby such as breastfeeding assistance and developmental care. It is our aim that mothers who use our services will be empowered to problem solve to reach their desired goals. The Baby Sleep Practitioners expert nursing knowledge and experience in looking after sick baby's will reassure mothers that nothing will be missed and referrals to other services or medical professionals for further help can be made if needed.

Please contact The Baby Sleep Practitioners for further information or to make a booking.

10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    22 July 2020

    OMG yes so true!

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  • Anynomous
    06 July 2020

    Parents... be very careful what information you read and listen to because it can have negative effects on your baby's brain development - this article explains it well.

    ''Parents are scared into believing that if they refuse to teach their baby how to self soothe, they’re failing to teach a very necessary life skill''.

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  • Anynomous
    03 July 2020

    Are you an Elephant or a Tiger parent? And what does this mean for sleep training for your baby?

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  • Anynomous
    27 May 2020

    Bouncing gently on a Swiss Ball can be really useful for encouraging a fussy baby to latch onto the breast, when a baby refuses the breast or for weaning your baby from a nipple shied. Give it a go...

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  • Anynomous
    28 April 2020

    As we head into level 3 I've been thinking about what things I have appreciated about level 4 lockdown. 1) spending time with my children 2) no snotty noses 3) more space to move at the supermarket


    Please share a photo or a comment below about your silver lining to LOCKDOWN. Let's stay positive 💪

    See More

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  • Anynomous
    13 April 2020

    It can be pretty challenging being stuck at home with bub at the moment. In my latest blog I cover 16 activities you and bub can to together to keep them busy and meet their sensory needs.

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  • Anynomous
    05 March 2020

    It's safe to continue to breastfeed

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  • Anynomous
    05 March 2020

    Some helpful tips here on how to overcome parental guilt.

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  • Anynomous
    26 February 2020

    Hi guys, this dude is nearly one year old! Taking bookings for consultations now.

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  • Anynomous
    18 February 2020

    For those of you who bed share this looks like a nice support group

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