
TacklingPovertyNZ: Exploring ways to reduce poverty in New Zealand (7-9 December 2015)

Tags : #Education, #Organization

Location :
Level 2, 5 Cable street PO Box 24222, Wellington 6011


The workshop will bring together thirty young New Zealanders who will work together to prepare a youth perspective on the issue of poverty in New Zealand and how we might, as a country, go about tackling it. The Institute seeks to build a group of engaged and enthusiastic young people (18 to 25 years of age) who fit at least one of the following descriptions: (i) those who have experienced poverty or hardship first hand; (ii) those who are in positions (voluntary or paid) that deal with issues of poverty at the front line; (iii) those undertaking a course of study that involves economics, design, media, ethics, arts, law, politics or public policy and have a strong interest in reducing poverty in New Zealand; and (iv) those who do not meet any of the above criteria but who display a strong interest in and knowledge of issues surrounding poverty. Participants will work hard over 72 hours both at Treasury and in Parliament where they will present their findings to MPs and other guests. This workshop follows the model of previous workshops held at the Treasury (see below). Participants’ food and accommodation will be covered during the workshop, as well as travel costs to and from Wellington.
If you are would like to register your interest to attend this workshop please see the Registrations page of the TacklingPovertyNZ website or email Madeleine Foreman at tacklingpovertynz@mcguinnessinstitute.org.

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