
Professional Life Consultant offering life changing tools and support towards a better you!

Tags : #Coach

Location :
2824 South Eyre Road, Christchurch 7476


Hi there and welcome!

My name is Saskia, I live in a very picturesque part of rural New Zealand. I'm a wife and mother of 3, with only my 11 year old still living at home.

Sixteen years ago I discovered that one of my biggest passions in life is constantly working at being the best I can be and for the past 16 years I've thrived on self development.
In that time I've gained many qualifications, including a diploma in Life Coaching (which was a year long in person qualification). I became both a Reiki Master (including animal Reiki) and a Theta Healer. Having these tools has enabled me to bring my gifts out into the world to share with anyone seeking improvement, wellness, direction or even just having an outside support person to compliment your life!

Over the last 3 1/2 years I've being constantly working on my fitness, which entails both running and swimming, I play tennis and bike ride. At present I'm running approximately 10-15 km and swimming 6+km per week. (1km = 0.6 miles)

My intention is to post photos from my personal life ie healthy food prep, photos and blogs on what's happening in my fitness world and anything else that I feel may be of interest.

My soul intention is to inspire, perhaps to motivate and share a very special life I have created. A life that I want to jump out of bed in the morning to experience more of!

Please feel free to talk to me, add what you are doing in your life and what's working for you! Believe me, I am interested!

What I do is my passion, it's great to have you here!