
Rachael Mystic Angel - Crystal Healer, Psychic Clairvoyant Medium & Tarot


I'm a Psychic Clairvoyant Medium & Crystal Healer, willing to share my gift with people looking for advice/help from the spiritual world

Tags : #AstrologistPsychic, #AlternativeHolisticHealthService, #Astrologist&Psychic, #Alternative&HolisticHealthService

Location :


After a near death experience as a teenager I knew I had a gift and after suppressing it for many years I have come to realize it’s time for me to embrace it, use it and share the love and light with people who require advice or messages from the spiritual world.
While I’m still looking for a place of my own to work from I’m willing to meet at a park, beach your own place cemetery etc to give readings.